Author Topic: How to Make an Appropriate Biography (Read 523 times)
Horseman of War

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Joined: April 2009
Posts: 941
 How to Make an Appropriate Biography
« Apr 29, 2009 18:42:38 GMT -6 »

The following is a break down of area of a biography, and what should be filled in the appropriate areas. Starting with the student biography.

Personal Information:
    [/b] Which school will you be attending. Please consider how old your character is with this. We offer a military academy, a regular high school, and a university. The academy does accommodate younger ages, but the other two do not.
    Year: What grade you are in. A character's age is recommended to work with their grade unless you want to make a "special learner" or "gifted" character. For example, a character that is 10 years old can't be a junior in high school nor the academy. The age-to-grade relationship should be realistic to their character.

    Name: A character's name represents them, but some cliches should be pointed out. For example, if someone has a ridiculously exotic name or a wildly long one, this could lead to some issues. Don't name your character a gutteral sound or a fantasy character unless it is ABSOLUTELY necessary to their character, and even then, it'll probably lead to raised eyebrows by the staff.

    Alias: Any nick names your character is called by, whether they like it or not

    Date of Birth: The date of birth of your character

    Age: The resulting age

    Nationality: This is the country they were born in. So if they were born in France, then they would be a French citizen. Born in America? American. Etc

    Ethnicity: There's no such thing as a "white" or "American" ethnicity, or things of that nature. The concept of "race" isn't the same as ethnicity, and even if someone's family have a deep history of American colonists, that doesn't make them "American ethnicity." Ethnicity derives from a person's ancestral roots, as in the genetics. A person can say they're "caucasian" to say they're a mix of European or "part Chinese," but they can't say "white," or "black."These are inaccurate.

    Blood Type: There is a decent range of things. A+, O-, etc. Some people think about personalities when it comes to this, or just fills it out. Why think about personalities? Some people think that blood type affects who you are as a person because you run a bit different. A character with some god foresaken, only-experts-have-heard-of-it blood type is going to turn heads in a bad way. Stick to the traditional blood types please.

    Height: How tall your height is, please state in feet and inches.
    Weight: How much your character weighs. Yes, ladies, even you. By the pounds. This will help us with physic issues, etc so it must be filled out. Please keep your height and weight decently accurate for your body type. A decent BMI is good

    Hair Colour: The color your character's hair is. Please state if it is dyed if it's unnatural, and what colour it originally was. The oringal colors would be like blonde, red, black, and brunette. In some cases due to being albino or major head trama, the hair can be white, but otherwise state it is dyed or a wig.

    Eye Color: Same as the hair, if you wear cool contacts please state that with the original hue. Natural hues are debatable because of the different shades. Nothing too wild like red or orange, or anything of that sort. Blues, greens, grays, browns, hazel, etc are all acceptable as natural eye colors.

    Handedness: Left, right, or both. Pretty simple

    Sexual Orientation: Straight, bi, homosexual, A sexual (which means you love yourself, and only yourself) or anything that moves. Pick one.

    Physical Appearance:

      Apparel & Accessories:


          Miscellaneous Information:

              [/b] Explain your style. A link to a description on wiki is always good, but you have to explain it in your own words as well. This gives us a general description to go off of while reading your fights, helping us understand what it is they are exactly doing. A character's fighting style should be realistic, as in it actually exists in the real world. No style from manga or anime that is entirely fictional will be accepted, and ancient arts will require extreme ability of control and knowledge from the user in order for the staff to approve them.
              Weaknesses: These are the points that make your character weak. The flaws of the fighting style, or their own physical condition. If they are slow, state so. If they can't jump high, aren't flexible, or are near sighted. This has to be a decently explained area, as you can't just list off a few things and be done with it. We're human, everyone has MANY flaws, and while no one else has to know your flaws, having them stated makes your character human.
              Strengths: To counter weaknesses, we need to know what your character is good at. If they are light on their feet, hear really well, or see in low lighting, whatever fits in with the style and person. This needs to be detailed as well, and not so vague so we can understand your character better.

              PLEASE NOTE that things like "I can't hit girls" isn't a good weakness balance to "I have super awesome strong kicks". If it's a physical strength, list a physical matching weakness, etc.



                  Now, as we have a few different bio templates, I'll cover the differences in the other ones as well.

                  Teacher Difference**

                  Position: What role do you play on your campus? What do you do or teach? Or are they something like a janitor? Security? While adults can be pretty wealthy and powerful, we don't want to see folks trying to play President of the United States or the leader of some super secret organization that could have ended WWII if they wanted to and could destroy San Diego with a single whim. Adult characters ought to be well rounded and realistic.

                  Graduate Difference

                  Occupation: What do they do for a job? Work at a bank? Gas station? Library? Or do they have no job at all?

                  Additional Info: In regards to making the biography pretty, the biography can be centered and played with all you want to, so long as we can read it without burning out our eyes. If you're going to change font sizes, make sure we don't need to squint our eyes to see it; if you change the font, make sure it's clean enough to break down; and if you change the font color, make sure it contrasts with the board skin. Further, roleplayers should not add anymore information to the biography than what is seen in the biography unless it is something static. For example, roleplayers should not post up "next grade" after their base grades, since we'll be locking the thread and you can just place that information on the Character Profile page.

                  **Please note that teachers are hired, not created. You can only submit a teacher bio if you have been approved to make one.

                  ~Delilah Standish

                  « Last Edit: May 9, 2009 16:23:43 GMT -6 by Conner » Back to Top  
