Author Topic: Nero vs. Aroon (Read 453 times)

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 Nero vs. Aroon
« Jun 23, 2009 0:23:42 GMT -6 »

Round 3: The Final Round. Go at it biznatches.

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 Nero vs. Aroon
« Jun 23, 2009 11:01:12 GMT -6 »

Sitting in the back room, holding an ice bag against his muscles, the Thai was slightly troubled by the outcome of his last fight. Yes, he understood that injuries were a side effect of competitive fighting, but the scream from that boy as his arm had broken sent a chill through Aroon. It had been completely unintentional as well, which made it all the worse. If he'd planned it then he'd probably have revelled in the sound...

An irony, but one that disgusted him when he thought about it. However, there was no time for softness. There was one more round to fight, one more opponent to eliminate. When a head popped through to let him know the round was due to begin, he nodded and rose to his feet. Pacing back out to the ring, he hopped into it and began to stretch his legs slowly. He'd come this far, it wouldn't do for him to lose because of a cramped muscle....

While watching for his opponent to arrive, he gave a blank glance out around at the small crowd, sighing inwardly. Such a bore. When his opponent finally arrived, stepping in to stand opposite him, a small smirk crept onto his lips as he stepped forward a pace or two.

"So, you and me, huh?"

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 Nero vs. Aroon
« Jun 23, 2009 14:37:10 GMT -6 »

With twenty minutes in between the second round and the finals, Nero had taken the opportunity to stand outside, enjoying the fresh air away from the bustling crowd within. As much as he hated the school, Nero had to admit, there was no better stage to compete on than in front of both the faculty and his peers, thereby solidifying his reputation and forcing most of them to stop bothering him, for the most part.

His round about to begin, Nero started for the door to head back in, taking his sweet time in doing so. Thus far, Nero had all but dominated his way to the finals, as he'd yet to actually be struck in this tournament. Unless his unknown opponent had managed to do the same, the former gang member would be at a clear advantage; soemthing he planned on milking for all it was worth. The more convincing his victory, the more clear the message he wished to send would be.

Making his way towards the ring, Nero would scowl at his waiting opponent, recognizing him from the clash they had earlier in the year. Climbing into the ring, Nero couldn't help but shake his head at the irony of the situation, as the first student he'd fought at this school would be the last he'd face in this tournament. The words Aroon spoke dripped with familiarity, something Nero refused to tolerate from someone he barely knew the name of.

"What, are you stalking me? I had no idea you were so fond of getting beaten."

While he was wearing the same dress shirt and jeans he had started the tournament in, Nero would opt to make one slight difference, unbuttoning his sleeves and rolling them up towards his elbows. Nero would make his way forward, getting as close to the centre of the ring as he could while remaining comfortably outside of striking range before getting into his preferred stance, his arms staying at his sides while his feet sat shoulderwidth apart.

"As I recall, it's your turn to start us off. Unless you want to forfeit now, and save yourself the embarassment."

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 Nero vs. Aroon
« Jun 23, 2009 15:26:41 GMT -6 »

His brow furrowed and his eyes narrowed at the dry attitude coming from the other boy, and the Thai simply sighed under his breath. He had entered each match with good graces, but apparently he wouldn't get to finish the tournament in that manner. Given the self-assured attitude of his opponent, however, the smirk didn't leave his face.

"Apparently not, since I am standing here in the finals. What happened, did your opponents forget what day it was, or were you just watching out for that pretty face?"

As soon as Nero had shifted himself into position, Aroon moved with his words. He had no intention of humouring the other boy and was more interested in getting the fight started. As he closed in the gap between them, negligible as it was, he snapped out his right in a sudden jab to the nose. With the other boys hands by his sides, it would be a problem for him to reach up and suddenly catch the blow as it came for him, particularly with Aroons pace. No less, the fact he'd moved whilst the other boy was speaking might have stammered his movements enough to leave him caught short.

The jab, for all its intents and purposes, was simply the Thais opener. He wanted to gauge Neros reaction before he started the fight with his more effective arsenal...

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 Nero vs. Aroon
« Jun 24, 2009 13:33:25 GMT -6 »

Temper, temper.

While the distance may have seemed negligible to Aroon, the fact that Nero had sat a comfortable distance outside of his striking range would serve its purpose well. As Aroon stepped forward in order to throw his jab, Nero's mind would register his approaching enemy, as well as the right hand lifting as it thrust towards his face, and immediately force him to stop running his mouth and start defending himself instead.

Sliding his left foot forward and to the left on a diagonal, Nero would jerk his head to the left during his movement, forcing the jab to thrust harmlessly into the space Nero's face had occupied moments before. The former gang member would pull his right hand up closer to his chest, leaving the hand open, while simultaneously his left hand curled into a fist. Once his slide forward had finished, Nero would twist his torso to his right, aiming to uppercut Aroon in the lower ribs on his right side, intending on striking before the Thai could retract his jabbing arm in time to defend with it.

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 Nero vs. Aroon
« Jun 25, 2009 9:29:02 GMT -6 »

Typically cagey

Even with his intent to attack quick off the mark and potentially push Nero into a difficult position early on, the dark haired youth proved aware enough to be able to step through in order to avoid his attack. Fairly simple as evasions went, and pairing it with the uppercut was a wise idea. Better than leaving the side of his body unprotected or inactive simply for the sake of one punch...

However, the Thai fought with an acute sense of awareness himself, and in the moment presented he had devised his own response to the wily boy. One thing he suspected was that, though they shared similar builds and whatnot, Aroon was far more designed to take a hit than Nero. His Muay training taught his body to adapt for pain, to fight through a counterattack rather than being left open. As a result, marginal though it was, he had a slightly higher than average resistance than a fighter his size.

With a sharp exhalation of breath, he bore the brunt of the punch with a flash of teeth. The uppercut sent a jolt of pain through his ribs, it wasn't the first time he'd been hit there during this tournament, but even as the blow landed he was in motion to retaliate. His left foot inched through a little more, causing his body to rotate clockwise due to Neros fist in his right side, and with a fearsome blow he brought both hands back with a hammer strike to the back of the dark-haired youths neck and skull.

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 Nero vs. Aroon
« Jun 26, 2009 0:30:43 GMT -6 »

Having expected some sort of resistance to his counterattack, Nero found himself pleasantly surprised when his uppercut struck his opponent. When it came down to toughness, Aroon would most likely have the advantage, as Nero himself had rarely ever been hit in his life. However, this was a direct result of the former gang memeber's ability to notice and avoid danger; this moment would be no exception.

While Aroon had started to move as he was struck by the uppercut, Nero's motion had never stopped. While his body would continue turning to his right, Nero's left fist would begin pulling back closer to his waist, an instinctive reaction in order to both defend as well as ready himself to attack once more. However, as Nero had turned his torso to give his attack more power, he would continue to face Aroon as he shifted forwards, catching sight of the counterattack on its way.

The blow that was heading towards what was now the side of his face rather than the back of his skull was something Nero wanted to avoid, to be sure. The fact the blow was thrown so soon after his own uppercut had landed, however, left Nero without the option of simply backing up, as he was so prone to do. Instead, Nero would need to make do with the defense he had prepared earlier.

His right arm would lift up from his chest, shifting up and bending the elbow at a ninety degree angle. Nero would thrust his right forearm to the right, intercepting Aroon's hammer blow by forcing the Thai's wrists to strike Nero's forearm. While the blow would never strike his head, Nero's arm would feel a dull ache from the impact, the first pain he'd felt on this particular night. However, it was worth it, as now both of Aroon's arms were far from his body, leaving him with much less to defend himself with.

Moving his left foot once again, Nero would shift towards Aroon once again, placing his foot to the right and behind Aroon's own, though leaving a small distance between their feet so as not to be tripped immediately. Pushing his right forearm against Aroon's arms, Nero would swing his left fist up towards the side of the Thai's skull, aiming to land a hook against his right temple.

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 Nero vs. Aroon
« Jun 26, 2009 14:31:18 GMT -6 »

ooc: Post delayed due to a misunderstanding on my part.


With the intercepting arm rising in order to try and prevent the Thais double-handed blow from connecting, Aroon would have no discontent with the outcome. Yes, his blow would be hindered slightly by the presence, but one simple physics principle was clear. It was double the mass exerting at least four times the momentum, considering Nero would have little room to maneuver for the defensive position, as opposed to the Thais ninety degree range before their limbs connected.

Yes, Aroons arms might not find their target, but the basic force put against the blocking arm would cause that to buck back sharply and potentially club his opponent, bringing a tinge of amusement to the old schoolyard phrase 'Why are you hitting yourself?'.

From the twisted position of his counterattack, it left a window of observation free for the latently perceptive Thai to note the small shift made by his opponents feet, and as Nero drew his arm into the position required to execute the subsequent punch, it was a fairly easy action to simply let his right arm bend at the elbow, glancing past Neros right forearm as the pressure from his arm was redirected, causing it to snap to his right and into the path of the hook, his elbow and upper arm tilted up to cover the side of his head as it shot to strike the oncoming fist, rather than just obstruct it. His conditioned joint would make the normally risky endeavour a simpler feat to accomplish in his favour.

This, on the other hand, would leave a very noticeable gap between their two sets of occupied limbs. On one side, a counter on the Thais part. On the other, a counter on Neros part, in the middle, a glaring gap between their heads that was suddenly filled as Aroon jutted forward with his upper body. Barely a foot separated them at this proximity, and it would be simple work to smash his forehead into the unguarded face of his opponent in what was as good a time as any.

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 Nero vs. Aroon
« Jun 27, 2009 12:15:40 GMT -6 »

Nero's right hand slid past his face, clipping his chin in a glancing blow that was far preferable to what had originally been heading towards his head. After all, while Aroon's blow may have had more momentum and more mass, the fact remained that Nero's blocking arm had its own motion to be overcome, killing much of the momentum before being sent back towards the former gang member.

Unable to adjust his hook in mid air, Nero's left fist would crash into Aroon's upper arm, hardly the blow to the head he was aiming for, but he would take what he could get. Damage was damage, and everything added up, especially since his opponent had been through more difficult fights than Nero himself. Nero fully intended on dragging this fight out as long as he could, if only to take advantage of the better condition he was in on this particular night.

That is, until Aroon headbutted him in the face.

Close as they were, Nero's reaction to jerk his head back away from the head flying towards his face wouldn't save him from being struck, merely change the target of impact. Aroon's forehead would slam into Nero's mouth, the former gang member's lower lip slicing open on his teeth and causing a thin line of blood to begin trailing down towards his jawline. As Nero reared back from the impact, however, his right knee would swing upwards, using the momentum of his body leaning back to put more power behind the blow. While intended to strike Aroon's stomach, the close quarters the two were in could very well cause the knee to crush the Thai's more vulnerable appendage.

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 Nero vs. Aroon
« Jun 27, 2009 13:48:00 GMT -6 »

A mental gripe hung in his head at the ache in his arm, a deeper sensation that came from the fact it was the muscle itself that was in pain, not merely the nerve endings from the impact. It wasn't a terrible notion, but it meant that the actual sensation of pain hung around longer than it would if it was just a superficial surface affliction.

However, the tit-for-tat strategy of the wily Thai paid off as he found himself coming head to, well, jaw with Nero. In his backward effort to avoid the attack, Aroon would step forward out of reflex, intent on ensuring a connecting blow as his left foot drew forward. He couldn't immediately see the result of his shot to Neros face, but there was no doubt the Thai had drawn first blood. As if re-energised by the notion, as was common with many fighters when they caused a real, visible injury -often regardless of how serious it ended up being-, he continued to press in towards his opponent. As a result, the knee ended up striking into the side of his hip, just to the side of his groin incidentally. Thudding against the layer of muscle, it sent a jolt through his leg, but with the shift of his limb it connected more so with the denser outer muscle of his thigh.

In a motion that would, if successful, take less than a second or two in order to execute Aroon shot his left knee inward, shooting for the inner thigh of his opponents free standing leg. Almost at the same time, his right hand reversed its force as he reformed his fist, knuckles protruding to accent the impact, and slammed it towards the side of Neros head. Combining the two strikes would, in the Thais intentions, cause his final opponent to end up both struck hobbling on a numbed leg and dazed by a blow to the side of the head...Unless his recovery time was decent, taking a forehead to the mouth would discombobulate even a well-trained fighter.

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 Nero vs. Aroon
« Jun 28, 2009 13:33:45 GMT -6 »

While the sight of blood may have re-energized Aroon, the pain in Nero's mouth would inspire a flash of anger in him. It was rare for the former gang member to be hit cleanly, and on the occasion it did, the sensation drove him to greater depths of fury. However, this was no red haze that would impair his judgement, but rather, an intense desire to return the favour many times over on his opponent. For the moment, Nero's most important issue was to create some space, especially against someone who used knees and elbows as much as Aroon.

His right sneaker scraping down Aroon's leg, Nero would feel it begin to pull to the side, and with his left hand still pressed against the Thai's right arm, the former gang member would have a vague sense of the way Aroon's body was moving. From what he remembered, the Thai was mostly focused on offense the last time they battled, and there was no reason for him not to have the same style this time, either.

Rather than focus on defending against each potential blow individually, Nero would instead have his single priority to focus on; namely, pushing his opponent away. Nero's left hand would palm the underside of Aroon's right arm, pushing upwards to drive the blow high off course and begin the task of toppling the similiarily sized fighter. As his right foot had just landed and was too close for any sort of strike, Nero's left leg would rise off the ground, bending at the knee to once again attempt to drive it into Aroon's stomach, furthering the cause of forcing his opponent backwards, while unintentionally causing Aroon's knee to glance against the rising muscle, rather than strike it fully.

At best, Aroon would find his balance difficult to keep stable from both of Nero's actions happening at the same time, and would be forced to backpedal in order to remain standing. To give him more of an incentive to do so, or to make up for the lack of motion backwards if Aroon was more difficult to shove than it first appeared, Nero's right hand would whip forward in a thrusting jab at Aroon's left pectoral.

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 Nero vs. Aroon
« Jun 30, 2009 1:13:56 GMT -6 »

Were it not for the fact that he was deep enough in focus and allowing his mentally recharged body to act on impulse above all else, the Thai would have slipped into laughter...This, this was the sort of fight he'd wanted. A -real- war of attrition, a fight where blows rained down and it would be a pure battle of resilience versus power. However, whilst he wouldn't go so far as to laugh in his opponents face, a wide, leering grin emerged on his face as his hooked right hand was deflected up and away. Aroon registered the sudden impact and subsequent dull ache of the blow to his stomach, but other than feeling the pain, he was slowly letting his mind devolve down to the base impulses that they were so often reliant on.

If he were to put his foot back, he would have a staggered balance, with a weak centre against his opponent. Rather than make a simple error as such, he let his kneeing leg instead come to the ground ahead of him, switching his posture to a left-leading one and putting their positioning in such proximity that actual dodging, on either part, was now surely impossible. Aroon would get his fight of attrition.

His right hand, after being deflected up, had continued over Neros head, leaving the Thai with his upper body twisted to the left slightly from the movement, and that tension had to unwind itself. With a violent jerk of his body clockwise, he brought his right arm back and down, intent on slamming his elbow into the side of his foes skull painfully with a combination of his upper body torque and his arms own power to fuel the blows trajectory.

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 Nero vs. Aroon
« Jun 30, 2009 12:31:09 GMT -6 »

Nero was anything but thrilled with the prospect of a war of attrition, and with Aroon refusing to back off, the former gang member's temper was rising ever higher. Rather than back off like any reasonable person, the Thai had chosen to move closer, the complete opposite of Nero's intention, something that would need to be remedied before anything else.

While his knee had struck its intended target, Nero would refuse to simply let his leg fall back into the positioning it was at previously. Instead, he would seemingly take a page out of his opponent's book, using the attack as a step forward in order to place his left foot just behind Aroon's right. More importantly, however, Nero's left hand would never lose contact with Aroon's right arm after the deflection.

Much like Ryker had in the second round, it seemed Aroon was throwing quite a bit of power behind every move, no doubt in an effort to take advantage of Nero's less than stellar pain tolerance. The problem with such a strategy lay in that should such a blow miss, it would result in leaving the body overextended and fairly vulnerable, to an extent, a fact that Nero planned on capitalizing upon.

While the twisting of Aroon's upper body was only slight, it would be enough for Nero to take advantage of. Rather than simply allow Aroon to use his limb as he wished, Nero would push against the arm with the grip he had on the Thai's upper arm, in the direction the blow had been thrown, leaning in with his body as he did so in order to put his weight behind the push. While the two were roughly the same size, and Aroon was likely a little stronger, the fact they would be using different muscles would give the advantage to Nero in this moment, as it was a clear case of primary vs. secondary muscles.

In an attempt to aid his drive forward, Nero's right hand would thrust forward as intended earlier, driving his fist into Aroon's chest in a shoving motion to push him backwards. Coupled with Nero's foot directly behind Aroon's right foot, the Thai would find himself stumbling backwards at best, or falling to the mat, depending on how well he could keep his balance.

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 Nero vs. Aroon
« Jun 30, 2009 13:01:58 GMT -6 »


His right arm had been shadowed as it was countered away, and Aroon noted this a moment later than was required...As a result, the Thai was forced to instead lay the pressure against the blocking arm, using the counter-balance to shift back his left foot a few inches. However, rather than step back with the leg, or even use the force to continue to apply forward pressure, Aroon instead used the braced position for a much sneakier effort.

He'd deduced a couple of things about Nero since the last time they'd fought and the events of the match as they stood presently...Their positioning of their feet was almost a mirror image, and thus far in every encounter they'd exchanged, Nero had used trickery and clever moves to try and take a win, rather than the obvious point of advance. As such, it made sense that Nero would have his foot at the back of Aroons, his heel set to try and trip his leg away or something to that effect.

Well, it was a fifty-fifty shot. Either way it worked out good for Aroon, and in one it was potentially very good. Driving his right heel back, he would attempt to drag the dark-haired boys foot along with him, the elongated stance that Nero had similar to Aroons likely enough to make him severely lose his balance. If there was in fact a heel there, and he would be able to feel if there was, as soon as he managed to stagger the other boy he would whip up his left knee for a quick shot to the midsection before Nero could regain his footing properly. If there was no foot there, then he would simply retain his previous foothold but simply a good few inches further back, making it easier for him to push away from the catch to his arm....

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 Nero vs. Aroon
« Jul 1, 2009 14:46:57 GMT -6 »

It seemed Nero was up against someone with impressive insight, one that seemingly rivaled his own, something that the former gang member was not used to having to deal with. Most often, those he fought were impressive in their own rights, but relied more on physicality to win, rather than anticipating moves before they came. This was something new altogether.

While Nero's foot had been prepared for a measure of force heading its way, as it was meant for a trip after all, he hadn't expected the Thai to drive his boot back in more than a step back for balance. As a result, Nero found his foot being pulled forward, elongating his stance and tipping him forward. If he did nothing, Nero would end up likely kneeling on one leg in front of Aroon, and while that positioning was dangerous in and of itself, the symbolism alone would imply that he was bowing to Aroon's skill.


Rather than try to find his footing and risk losing his leverage, Nero would instead work with the momentum. Driving his right foot into the ground, Nero would turn his fall into a leap forwards, using his left foot which was now much further behind and to the left (Aroon's right} of the Thai as a landing point for balance, in order to keep himself standing. Aroon, however, would not be so lucky, as his slight motion backwards would make resisting Nero's shove that much harder to resist, especially if he were to go for his knee strike as planned. Regardless, Aroon would find himself being forced back, if not pushed onto the ground, and accomplishing Nero's earlier goal of creating a measure of distance between the two.

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 Nero vs. Aroon
« Jul 2, 2009 9:58:28 GMT -6 »

Aroon would not miss the potential symbolism that might be displayed should Nero fall to a knee in front of him, but he paid it little heed. Yes, the humiliation would be there but for the Thai, he would see his superiority by having Nero look up at him from the flat of his back. Aroon was glad to find that he did, in fact, take Neros leg away from him with the partially blind movement, but he found it a minor surprise that the other boy did not completely fall.

When the full brunt of his opponents weight collided with him in an attempt to drive him back, Aroons body was in the ideal position to retain his footing and not end up on his back thanks to his right leg being so far back as it was, instead causing him to skid back with the impact for a moment or two. The pair had similar weight (if appearances were anything to go by), so whilst Nero would certainly get the first foot of drive or so, the Thais returning brace would slow it into an exchange of pressure as he pushed back.

Rather than continue to push against the similarly weighted force opposing him, Aroon would attempt to take the simpler route. With his left foot, he hooked forward a little more and to the outside of Neros right foot as he suddenly twisted his body, aiming to jolt the dark-haired boy into a tumble as his left foot hooked away the front stability of his current posture. If he were able to bring Nero onto his back, the Thai would simply step back with a grin, nodding to himself as he saw the prostrate position of the floored boy for a moment. Ground-clinching was not a forte of his and definitely not something he was about to practice.

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 Nero vs. Aroon
« Jul 2, 2009 20:01:23 GMT -6 »

What the fuck is he, the Rock of Gibraltar?

Despite his best efforts, it seemed Nero would be unable to shove Aroon away as he'd been attempting, as the Thai was able to resist and mitigate any attempts to do so thus far. Still in the process of landing from his leap forward, Nero would be unable to adjust fast enough to avoid Aroon's trip, even moreso due to the fact he hadn't seen it coming in the first place.

With his foot being taken out from under him, Nero's right hand fell to his side, looking to palm the mat and cushion his fall. However, as his left foot had been further behind Aroon, it would be a simple matter to hook the top of his ankle into the fold of Aroon's right knee, forcing the limb to bend slightly. On it's own, this action would do very little, but it would buy Nero time to land against the ground on his right side.

Drawing his right leg closer to his body and bending the leg at the knee, before thrusting it towards Aroon's right ankle, looking to snap the fragile joint, though any sort of hindrance to Aroon's mobility was more than enough for him. By having his leg forced to bend, Aroon would have a hard time lifting the leg to take weight off the ankle, and therefore the risk of more serious damage would be greater.

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 Nero vs. Aroon
« Jul 2, 2009 23:27:21 GMT -6 »

As Nero fell, Aroon allowed himself a small smirk of satisfaction. The dark haired youth had been prostrated with the throw and would inevitably end up on the ground whilst the Thai looked down at him, and the simple fact of it led Aroon to smugly watch

When he felt the weight strike at the back of his knee, he didn't resist the force. His stance was too wide to try and keep himself upright, and as he dropped to one knee he felt the leg retreat from him. He would have a mild annoyance at being brought down to one knee himself, but allowed it to be sated by the fact that his opponent was still the one looking up at him, and not the other way round. If Nero were to attempt to continue with the following kick, it would pass through empty air before impacting against the bottom of Aroons kneeling thigh, a thick muscle that would absorb the shock of the attack effortlessly.

However, if Nero did go through with his attack, the tables would turn in intent. By swinging that limb, its path would be long enough to give the Thai clear sight on what was happening, and it would be no hard task to smash down his fist onto the exposed ankle of the other boys leg as it struck against his thigh.

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 Nero vs. Aroon
« Jul 3, 2009 20:42:42 GMT -6 »

The lack of resistance from Aroon's leg was enough to cause concern in the former gang member, recognizing full well the dangers involved should the Thai attempt to catch his foot within the knee joint, and as a result, Nero would pull his left foot away from the knee after impact, letting it fall flat to the ground. With his opponent's new, much lower positioning, there was no point to continue through with his planned thrust at the man's ankle, not when he had a much better chance of defending himself with his hands.

With a snort of annoyance, Nero would push off the ground with his right hand, using his bent right leg to aid in the thrust to bring himself to a semi-standing position, backpedalling away from the Thai while still managing to keep his eyes on him should he attempt to pursue. In the event he did not, however, Nero would stop when he was a good six feet away, creating the distance he had desired earlier and bringing him towards the centre of the ring once more.

"...Muay Thai?"

It was a clear question, though Nero didn't particularly expect an answer. He'd been piecing together his opponent's style from both this bout and their battle before, and had finally began to connect the information in a meaningful way. Regardless of whether Aroon answered or not, Nero would stand in an identical manner to how he had before, his feet shoulderwidth apart with his hands at his sides.

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 Nero vs. Aroon
« Jul 5, 2009 17:28:47 GMT -6 »

ooc: Screw it, short.


As Nero retreated from the grounded Thai, Aroon pushed himself to his feet a moment later before stretching out his right leg. The hook at the back of his knee hadn't hurt, but it had jarred the ligaments slightly from the sudden change in position. As he looked over at his opponent in this brief respite, he bunched his fists firmly as Nero spoke.

"Close, but not quite..." he retorted with a dry smirk. After all, he mixed up three separate styles to create his own method of attack, but who would he be to inform his opponent of such a thing?

His subsequent lunge brought the gap between them to a close, and with a low feint as he neared Nero, Aroon would spring up off his left leg. Launching himself up, he brought his right knee up and in with the simple intent to drive it into Neros face.

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 Nero vs. Aroon
« Jul 5, 2009 22:40:28 GMT -6 »

OOC: Short is how we roll in this hizzle.


A small nod would be the only response Nero gave to Aroon's reply, the former gang member figuring that in this case, close was good enough at the moment. As he was hardly intimate with the moves involved in Muay Thai aside from some of the theory, this knowledge would give him nothing he hadn't known before.

The low feint would cause Nero's gaze to lower towards the ground, his legs tensing but otherwise not moving until he could tell where Aroon was targetting. As the Thai leapt from the ground, Nero's eyes would widen with surprise, not expecting such a drastic change in tactics, as last he had seen, Aroon was fairly conservative in his movements. Such a move would, in Nero's mind, tell him that the Thai was eager to put this bout to an end, and would try anything to finish it.

Fair enough. I'm ready to finish this, as well.

Sliding his left foot to the left, Nero would turn his upper body to the right, allowing Aroon's knee to slide harmlessly past him while continuing to face his opponent. His left hand would whip upwards grasping at the top of Aroon's head in order to grab a handful of the hair there, while his right hand palmed the small of Aroon's lower back. As soon as the Thai landed, Nero would tug violently back with his left hand, while pushing into Aroon's back with his right hand, forcing the Thai to lean back awkwardly. As this action was performed, Nero would pivot on his right foot, lifting his left knee upwards in the intent of slamming it into the back of Aroon's skull, pulling Aroon into the blow in order to double the force, and possibly knock the Thai into unconsciousness.

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 Nero vs. Aroon
« Jul 6, 2009 18:49:53 GMT -6 »

ooc: All auto-hits have been pre-vetted.


Aroon cursed to himself as Nero stepped back, causing his knee to miss its intended target...The problem with the launched attack was obvious. Mid-air, it was impossible for the Thai to revert his position to a more favourable one. He'd assumed incorrectly that his successful blows had managed to daze his opponent suitably, and now he had to work on undoing his mistake.

As he landed, he felt the immediate jerk that pulled him off-balance and into a stumble, his upper body being drawn back even as he turned to retaliate...

A sudden and furious swing of his right elbow, his body pivoting sharply clockwise, sent the bony joint towards Neros unprotected temple without obstruction. Smashing home, he had perhaps a quarter-second of elation of victory before the impact to the back of his neck sent his brain into a foggy daze. As he continued to fall, thankful in his subconscious that his turning body would cause him to hit the canvas shoulder-first rather than head-first (not that it would make much difference now), he glared at the falling boy through half-lidded eyes.

"You...sneaky...bastard...." he managed to get out as his body crashed into the mat, his eyes succumbing to the over-ridden mental circuits that forced his body into unconsciousness. He could only take solace that, with his last blow, he'd surely exacted a similar fate upon his opponent...

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 Nero vs. Aroon
« Jul 6, 2009 19:02:43 GMT -6 »

With his hands occupied as they were, there was little Nero could actually do to block the elbow whipping towards his head. Cursing himself for not having the foresight of thinking the Thai would use the momentum of Nero's attack against him, the former gang member could do nothing but close his eyes instinctively as the elbow struck his temple, barely a split second before his knee struck the back of Aroon's head.

Falling to the mat, Nero would land flat on his back, his vision steadily darkening into unconsciousness. The fact he had struck Aroon a similiar match-ending blow gave him little comfort, as he felt he should have had the fight in the bag the entire time. Surely, it was just a fluke that Aroon had managed to force a draw in this fight. Unable to stand, speak, or even stay awake, Nero could only manage one thought before slipping into unconsciousness, one that would spur on his anger the next time he woke up.

Next time, he won't be so lucky.

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 Nero vs. Aroon
« Jul 7, 2009 0:56:14 GMT -6 »

Fightmaster climbed into the ring, unsure of what to make of the spectacle.

"Well, it, um..."

Max took a deep breath, before shrugging, and flicking his hands as if to say 'fuck it.'

"We have a tie bout. Both of these guys managed to knock each other out, and thus, both have, technically, won, according to the stated rules. We have two winners of this tourney, Aroon Kamsing AND Nero Vivienne!! Now let's see if your cheers can't wake these two kids up, eh?"

Fightmaster cracked a somewhat rare smile, as the cheers from the crowd roared for the two fighters.

WINNER: BOTH! (Fuck no I'm not going to pick, that was an awesome fight, and far be it for me to change the listed outcome.)

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