Author Topic: Banner, Nathaniel (Read 111 times)

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 Banner, Nathaniel
« Jun 22, 2009 1:33:11 GMT -6 »

Personal Information:
    [/b] Henry Knox
    Year: Sophomore

    Name: Nathaniel Banner
    Alias: Datajack, z3r0p4n1c, Justice
    Date of Birth: November 1st
    Age: 16
    Nationality: American
    Ethnicity: Irish-German-Finnish Mix
    Blood Type: O
    Height: 5’-4”
    Weight: 112 lbs
    Hair Colour: Bright Blonde
    Eye Color: Ice Blue
    Handedness: Trained Ambidextrous (Slight favor to right hand)
    Sexual Orientation: Straight[/ul]

    Physical Appearance:
    Nathan isn‘t too unattractive. He takes care of his body, and has a healthy athletic build. It‘s all well-proportioned and symmetrical body, without scars or tattoos. His hands are oddly smooth and well-taken care of, for those of an ROTC student. It‘s his face that people see most often though, and would be the distinguishing feature among his physical being. Every corner of his face is just a tiny degree away from being sharp-cut, giving him a look that says “deceptively gentle.“ The bright blue eyes and the summery blonde hair, in combination with the kind, understanding smile, only help add to his gentle look. But even with the naturally gentle look, it can quickly warp based on his emotions, and lends itself to any expression, even one of utmost killer intent.

      Apparel & Accessories:

      Casual: By default, Nathan wears long, baggy clothing. Especially cargo pants. They hold a lot, and Nathan will carry a lot of gear with him when he has the opportunity. Boxers, never briefs, and usually solid colors, though occasionally a pair of Batman-print boxers make their way into the rotation. To his credit, he doesn‘t own a single white piece of casual clothing, because whites have to be washed separately from everything else, and that‘s a major pain to deal with. As for shirts, he always wears two, unless he‘s just lounging in his room. It will either be a vest over a long sleeve shirt, a sleeveless shirt over a long sleeve shirt, or a zip-up hoodie, unzipped, over any shirt he has in his inventory. All his clothes are cloth, and provide an armor bouns of 5, with no magical effects.

      Knox: Full uniform, by the book.

      Cosplay: Yeah, he does it. Current co splays include: Zell Dincht (FF8), Karasu (YuYu Hakusho), Ky Kisuke (Guilty Gear), and his pride and joy: Starscream.


        Soldier: Nathaniel is definitely ROTC by choice. He has a willingness to follow the chain of command, because he know from experience that the command is held for good reason. Though he‘s capable of making strong, logical decisions on his own, he finds it easier to just do without fear of making the wrong decision. Plus, he knows that as hard as the ROTC pushes people, it‘s easier to just step back and just go with the flow, so as to avoid unnecessary punishment. It‘s just not efficient to constantly have to do fifty push-ups every five minutes.

        Zero Panic: Nathan, being both a hoopy frood and trained ROTC member, has learned to keep his emotions in check enough to never impair his judgment. He knows what can come of those that loose their cool. Because of this, he‘s always got the appearance of infinite mellow. Even under stressful situations, he‘s able to keep moving forward, and help inspire others to keep themselves in check as well. This doesn‘t mean he doesn‘t show his emotions. His face betrays most any emotion he gets. But the important part is that it doesn‘t rob him of his logic and reasoning.

        Encyclopedic: Nathaniel is always in search of new knowledge. As such, he‘s more taken to reading and using the computer over using the television and game consoles. Once he‘s learned something, it‘s locked into his mind seemingly forever. This of course means he does well on tests, and is no slouch in the street smarts either. His knowledge has even gotten broad enough to help him improve his body, and keep him at the top of his game, by eking out every last ounce of efficiency in his body.
          -=- Computer Skill: Build, Repair, Security and Counter-Hacking
          -=- Academic Skill: Mathematics, Sciences, Creative Writing
          -=- Athletic Skill: Soccer, Swimming, Free-Running (learning stage)
          -=- Crafting Skill: Sewing, Costume Design, Gadgets
          -=- Musician Skill: Soundboards, Remixing

          Miscellaneous Information:

              Strength: E
              Dexterity: B
              Constitution: C
              Wisdom: B

              Style: Footie
              Footie is a combined martial art form from Military Judo, Sambo, and Muay Thai. It’s not a very graceful martial art, nor is it flashy. It’s all about efficiency and the use of 100% of the body’s capabilities. It uses the defensive throws and counters of Judo as a response to opposing attacks. Then Sambo’s reckless and heavily damaging grapples and breaks as a follow up to the counter attack. Should a more offensive approach be needed, Muay Thai fills the gap nicely with fast, powerful kicks to assert range for the initial strike before a close proximity can be established for even more devastating knee strikes. Unlike Muay Thai, Nathan does not kick above the opponent’s thighs for purposes of speed and conservation of power. Also, his hands are never used to attack, as they appear almost linked by an imaginary pair of handcuffs. From the cuffed position, he has access to many counters, but few straight up offensive moves, leaving that to his legs.

              Nathan has a weak body. Only with his mind, is he able to make up for the lack of ability that his body exhibits. Only by bringing out maximum efficiency is he able to keep his body going at a rate that could be considered above and beyond the norm for someone of his physical condition. When he’s intoxicated or similarly impaired, his condition will drop significantly, as he’s not able to coordinate his body nearly as well. Socially, Nathan has a hard time giving the “I will kick your ass” act. His face is able to show the expression rather well, but there’s just not that edge of dark conviction in his voice. So many people find it hard to take him seriously, even when he is trying to be serious. In the ROTC, the lack of a fighting presence makes others look down on him for being weak.
              Nathan is specialized in the mental aspect of things. He‘s great at anticipating attacks, and puts up a stalwart defense, even against multiple people, and insurmountable odds. While his attack form could be considered simplistic, his defense is infinitely complex in it‘s variations and capabilities. On a social note, he‘s very capable of gaining trust. It may be his seemingly gentle face, or his general willingness to help others, but most people find that he‘s at least trustworthy, and often capable of being befriended.[/ul]


              Where to start… Perhaps with the test tube… Nathaniel wasn‘t born in one, but he was conceived through artificial insemination, and was one of the first successful cases. He was conceived this way without his, or his father‘s knowledge. Or rather, not the person he considers his father. His mother was a field medic before retiring to become a mother. His father was a lawyer. But the genetic sample that gave him his biological father was another soldier, and any other information has been kept Classified from them, likely for the protection of the biological father from any further involvement from the child.

              Then came elementary school. Nothing big. Typical marks, but mostly all about socializing with classmates and having fun. Like the most of them. He did show an early aptitude and fascination with computers. His academic skills were only slightly above average, and he didn‘t have much desire to do homework. His mother made sure he got the vast majority of it done though. Being the dominant side of his early life, his mother raised him like a little soldier and made sure he was in line.

              Middle school was sort of a culmination of the discipline his mother gave him, and the skills he learned in elementary. His development went faster and faster until he was placed in accelerated learning classes for math and science. Though he wasn‘t a slouch in other subjects, he was especially gifted in the more numerically grounded subjects. At the end of the eight grade, he was taken from home.

              The next two years are classified.

              Nathan came back with the full Daft Punk treatment, bound and headed to Henry Knox academy. He seemed to have already gone through some sort of military training, by the reactions that he had to initial consultations. His mother has the highest confidence that he‘ll do well, though his father isn‘t exactly elated that his only son was getting sent from a prestigious academic community to what he felt was a lowly military school.

                « Last Edit: Jun 22, 2009 1:38:38 GMT -6 by intwhore » Back to Top  

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                Joined: January 1970
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                 Banner, Nathaniel
                « Jun 22, 2009 10:12:31 GMT -6 »

                Approved, welcome to the Chula Vista Collective.

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