Author Topic: Weston, Samuel D. (Read 243 times)

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 Weston, Samuel D.
« May 2, 2009 14:59:14 GMT -6 »


Name: Samuel Dean Weston


Caucasian- Scandinavian/European mixture

Orientation: Straight

Religion: Catholic

Age: 17

School: Henry Knox Academy

Class: Junior

Weight: 201 lbs.

Height: 6’0”

Blood Type: AB+

Handedness: Right


Body: Samuel has simple look to him, both to his body structure and his sense of style. Still, he’s been blessed with good genes that make him appeal to the opposite sex, though finding just enough of a balance where it isn’t flaunted. Samuel obviously has a good deal of muscle mass to him, though it doesn’t make him overly bulky. Being solid throughout, his build makes you think of someone who’s obviously strong for their size, but doesn’t qualify him as one of the “big” guys around campus. He has a toned core and dense legs, though they are slightly overshadowed by his large arms, which most of his lifting centers around.

Cosmetic: Samuel’s clothing is always simple, and never flashy. Starting from his feet, he usually wears brown steel-toed riding boots, vintage denim jeans with a belt and silver buckle. For his upper body, its usually appareled with a simple form fitting tight white tank top and fingerless black riding gloves. Over all of this, he wears his dad’s old bomber jacket from the Air Force.

Eye color: Blue

Hair: Samuel has thin blonde hair that naturally hangs down all the way to the base of his neck, bangs cut around the eyes and ears poking out.

Other Information

Personality: Samuel is generally an all around nice guy. Samuel's personality can fluctuate between both introvert and extrovert, depending on the situation. Though he prefers the former, more than content being a quiet observer, he doesn't hesitate when called upon to take a more controlling or authoritative roll if necessary.

Coming from a militaristic home life, Samuel is accustomed to the chain of command and therefore respects authority. However, this isn't to say he's easily manipulated or a pushover, simply respectful for those worthy of their accolades. Though he has a good heart, Samuel is still known to slip out a joke or two towards his opponents, especially if they don't share his sense of humor.

Despite all his generosity and kindness, sometimes the littlest things can set Samuel off. Instead of dealing with stress right away, Samuel is let it known to stir and boil before finally exploding at an otherwise minor issue or exposure. This can caused displaced anger to a point on occurance.

Hobbies: Reading, Riding (motorcycle), Classic and Alternative Rock, Martial Arts

Extracurricular: Wrestling Team


Fighting Style: Samuel, as a Mixed Martial Artist, is known to use both halves of his body. Samuel uses fists, feet, knees and elbows. However, starting the martial arts before MMA's peak, Samuel is more trained than the average fighter, not specializing in MMA style itself but in two seperate styles.

Kyokushin kaikan- This was Samuel's first formal martial arts class, a stand up, full-contact karate style. Unlike some forms of karate, Kyokushin places high emphasis on full contact fighting which is done without any gloves or protective equipment. Sam derives almost 100% of his stand up game from kyokushin, having crips clean strikes from head to toe.

Judo- As Samuel got older and started competing, his interests in full contact naturally went from Kickboxing to MMA. He tried out several styles, non really clicking until he found Judo. This martial arts is a combat sport that revolves around grappling, emphasizing locks, chokes, and most notably--throws.

Strengths: Samuel is both fast and strong for his size, years of competition not allowing anything but. Continuously practicing Judo has worked in the development of several small muscle groups often overlooked, letting Samuel throw opponents larger then him with relative ease in addition with the dynamic movement taught from both styles.

Weaknesses: Though Sam is strong and fast for his size, that size is average. In any situation his opponent could be larger or smaller, therefore giving either (assuming they've trained) an advantage in strength or speed respectivally. Although Judo has built a good deal of muscle in his arms, if he isn't allowed to use the dynamic motion of his whole body, he can still be outpowered by a larger and physically stronger opponent.


Samuel was born on an Air Force base in the deserts of Arizona. Unfortunately, his mother died shortly after, resulting from the complications of child birth. This would make Samuel the only son of the now widowed Colonel Andrew Weston. Being raised by a single father, times were often times tough for Samuel as a child, having trouble at times coping with never knowing a mother. Still, he always got through school without trouble and earning good grades, intent on making his mother proud even if she was only with him in spirit.

Raised on a military base, Samuel’s life was always very structured. He awoke when his father woke (much earlier than most elementary children). He ate the same food his father did, went to school when his father went to work, worked out when his father worked out, and went to bed when deemed so by his father, as well. Though strict, his father was a warm-hearted man, teaching Samuel to respect this sort of authority, rather than resent it as he got older.

In a very male-dominated area, Samuel began to play a good deal of sports, quickly becomming a great athlete for his age after learning from soliders. Just before entering middle school, Samuel's father had allowed him to sit in and view the Air Forces CQC lesson for the day. The hand to hand combat practice peaked Sam's interest like no other sport had, however, quickly leading his father to search to quench this interest, finding a nearby martial arts class.

Soon, Samuel had begun his karate class, beginning to excel in the martial arts as well as school and extra-curricular sports. However, though he enjoyed the punches and kicking combinations, he felt there was something missing. Everytime he remembered the control moves found in CQC, he pictured someone being thrown around. It was here, that Sam would fill the gaps in both his style and spirit.

It wasn't until he was about to enter high school that Samuel had learned of an integral part of his father's younger days. In his younger days before signing into the Air Force, Andrew Weston had gone to the Olympics, winning a gold medal in Judo. Samuel had found a new teacher in the most familiar of places, finding it a rather fitting point to take his martial skills to the next level.

Just before entering high school in Arizona, Samuel's father decided to finally retire from the USAF. Taking his pension, the two of them packed up and relocated themselves in the Chula Vista area. With his father opening up a nearby mechanic's shop, Samuel was enrolled into Henry Knox Academy, where he's spend the last two and a half years staying on top of his game.

« Last Edit: May 14, 2009 23:41:56 GMT -6 by sam » Back to Top  

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 Weston, Samuel D.
« May 15, 2009 0:01:39 GMT -6 »

Editted what was discussed. Judge me gods.

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 Weston, Samuel D.
« May 15, 2009 17:19:00 GMT -6 »


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