Author Topic: Clyde "Clyyyyyyyde" Strauss (Read 213 times)
Clyde Strauss

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Not Clyde. Clyyyyyyyde.

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 Clyde "Clyyyyyyyde" Strauss
« Oct 6, 2015 22:23:28 GMT -6 »

Name: Clyde Strauss

Nickname(s): Clyyyyyyyde.

Status: Junior Agent

Age: Sixteen

Gender: Male

Nationality: American

Ethnicity: German-Caucasian

Height: 5'11"

Weight: 167 lbs

Religious Beliefs:Christian

Sexual Orientation: Lady killer


Personality: Loud, arrogant. Clyde has no problem letting others know of his accomplishments, even if he isn't responsible for them. Underneath, however, Clyde is eager to be a hero, and his heart is in the right place. Generally a shameless flirt, Clyde gets along with those around him so long as they don't mind his sarcastic nature.

Interests: Fame, fortune, and all the things that go with it. Loves fixing cars, extreme sports, and watching movies.

Skills: A scrapper. Clyde knows how to fight like a typical punk kid would, and he's generally pretty tough. He's proficient in fixing automobiles, and his love of rock climbing makes it pretty easy to get into most buildings, provided there's an opening.

Fire Manipulation: Clyde is able to generate and control his own fire. This in turn makes him immune to hotter temperatures, though colder ones still affect him.


Despite what he would have you believe, Clyde's life has been nothing particularly special.

Born into a middle class family, Clyde's family was always fairly well off. His father Chad owned a car dealership, while his mother Brittany was a secretary at a law firm. Their shared income was more than enough to keep Clyde in school as well as fuel his extracurricular activities.

Growing up around a car dealership, Clyde quickly developed an interest in automobiles, especially in taking them apart and putting them back together. When not working part time at the dealership, he would head out to play football, and would often 'single-handedly lead my team to victory'.

On his eleventh birthday, however, Clyde's life would suddenly change.

In the midst of a rather vicious game of two-hand touch football, Clyde accidentally set his friend's shirt on fire. While the boy was saved from serious harm, the incident caused a rift to form between Clyde and his childhood friends. He became something of a loner, an outcast, and resorted to increasing amounts of attention-grabbing tricks to try and fit in.

At sixteen, he was given an opportunity to join Paradigm, granting him attention on a much larger scale. There was no doubt in anyone's mind that he would accept.

« Last Edit: Oct 7, 2015 16:11:28 GMT -6 by Clyde Strauss » Back to Top  

Absinthe Makaila

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 Clyde "Clyyyyyyyde" Strauss
« Oct 8, 2015 12:59:53 GMT -6 »

Clyde does it all....with style! Accepted.

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