Author Topic: Assignment Postings (Read 246 times)
El Sensei
El Jefe

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Joined: July 2009
Posts: 28,490
 Assignment Postings
« Oct 13, 2015 14:34:30 GMT -6 »

These Assignments are separate from but tied into the main Paradigm Shift issues. They may be used to lead in, follow up, or provide additional information to the main story depending on how it goes for you! These are the assignments that must be done in pairs, though you can do them up to four people. They may be run real time, as a regular thread, or a combination of both.

Some of these may be only one shots, others may be a series. For example, lets use this assignment as hunting down escaped meta X.

Scenario 1: Intel and Defense agents go after escaped meta x, successfully take him down and return him to custody. Mission complete!

Scenario 2: Intel and defense agents go after escaped meta x, he gets away!

part 2: They go after him again, injuring him but suffering an injury of their own!

part 3: injured defense agent is replaced and paired with intel agent, who follow the trail and successfully take down meta x!

Open Ended vs. Set missions: Open ended means it is on the agents to plan and carry out the task as they see fit, such as hunting down a fugitive. A set mission would be a direct drop into the location for the set task, such as a prisoner transport from point A to B.

tl;dr it depends on how the thread goes. If there's questions go ahead and ask!

« Last Edit: Oct 16, 2015 20:45:59 GMT -6 by El Sensei » Back to Top  

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