Author Topic: Fredegund Morency (Read 706 times)
Fredegund Morency

Fredegund Morency Avatar

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Joined: October 2015
Posts: 595
 Fredegund Morency
« Oct 13, 2015 18:10:55 GMT -6 »

Name: Fredegund Morency
Nickname(s): Fred, Freddy
Status: Junior Agent
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: French
Height: 5'1"
Weight: 91 lbs
Religious Beliefs: The Almighty Helix
Sexual Orientation: Bi-curious


Brown hair, brown eyes, and built like the petite ballerina she is, she's way too thin and light to do much in a fight. She has messed up feet from ballet too. She usually wears dresses and only really dons the tutu when performing.

She was raised on the concept that "children should be seen, not heard" and "young ladies of her standing shouldn't associate with the rabble". As a result, she's often perceived as shy, reserved, and demure. Polite, dainty, and cultured, she's very sheltered and is more accustomed to the life of dinner parties and recitals than school yards and playdates. She's very curious about the world around her, and more than anything, she would like to make friends. Friends who won't treat her as a status symbol. Friends who aren't actually pawns, manipulating her to get in the good graces of her parents. Friends who won't get in trouble for encouraging "less ladylike behaviors".

She's fiercely protective of what friends she does make though. One of the few things that made her speak up against her parents was the legitimacy of her non-human friendships. Which often escalates to "you shouldn't be friends with those beneath you" and eventually "you will regret this one day if you keep this up". 

She has mixed feelings towards eating meat. Her animal friends often reassure her that it's part of the circle of life, which offers her some comfort, but it still bothers her that what's on her plate used to be alive and able to speak to her.

Ballet, Music, Animals, Learning, Movies

She has a lot of stamina and flexibility thanks to her ballet training.

Abilities/Powers: Omnilingualism, the power to instantly communicate in any language fluently

Thus far, this includes humans with all their spoken and tactile languages, the dead (as ghosts; cannot revive the dead to talk to them), animals, plants, and (some) inanimate objects.

Animals still have wills of their own, so this user would still need to convince them to carry out tasks. Proof of communication with insects and bugs are currently inconclusive.

This user would need to focus to see and speak with spirits. As is, this user can sense them before initiating in conversation.

Usually, this user would need to initiate verbal conversation with less mobile participants like plants and objects in order to telepathically hear their thoughts.

This user is still learning how to communicate with objects. Currently, this user can communicate with objects that can fit in her hands.

Participants in communication would be able to perceive the user communicating in their current language. Observers and bystanders would only be able to perceive the user speaking in English.

This user is still learning how to decipher written languages and codes.

The Morency family has roots tracing all the way back to the royal Montmorency family in France. While the Morency family tree has branches reaching all over, some less fortunate than others, Fredegund's branch was one of the more prosperous ones throughout the ages, thanks to smart investments in the tech industry and close relationships with other rich families in the northeastern United States. For a family with stocks in social media, streaming services, and digital displays, they're behind the times in terms of parenting. Old fashioned, in fact. With a much older heir already groomed and off to continue the Morency line, they raised Fredegund the only way they knew how.

By distracting her with a sheltered, sophisticated life as a socialite. Admittedly, it wasn't a terrible upbringing. Fredegund was taught by the finest private tutors, she was well-behaved during social outings, and she was constantly training for her ballet recitals. Not to mention, she was born with a gift that made her life much less lonely; She understood a lot more than she thought. At first her family chalked her ability up as a series of good guesses and the work of an active imagination, but that changed as time went on. She understood her foreign ballet instructors, maids, and relatives from up north. The crows and sparrows from her balcony would bring her gifts and play pranks at her request. And most eerily of all, she would talk about a late Morency her parents never told her about. At that point, it was hard to avoid the fact that Fredegund was a metahuman.

Reception was mixed at best. They had a Morency who could eventually talk finances with foreign markets when she's older. On the other hand, they had a Morency with an ability that's liable to make her a laughingstock. Lord forbid if word got out that their daughter was mentally unstable, talking to the kitchenware, houseplants, and strays. They knew what to do with their son. They sort of knew what to do with their daughter. They didn't know what to do with a freak. Fredegund thought revealing her power would get her out of her gilded cage. It only threw a lock on the door.

What happened next could only be described as fate. How else could it have happened? One day, she met what could be her nearest and dearest friend, if not simply her ticket out of the mansion. A small helix fossil. It wasn't there the days before and she couldn't figure out where it came from, but it bore a message for her ears only: Go to Paradigm. She would be able to help more than just her family if she went. There will be other metahumans. And they will be able to help her.

As it turned out, her parents spoke quite about Paradigm Academy. Fredegund was "acting out" because she was lonely. They knew that "buying" her a metahuman "friend" her age wouldn't fly. There was no way for them to silence her forever. Fredegund was learning about her ability at a rate they couldn't keep up with. They couldn't find an appropriate metahuman tutor that met their standards. There was only one facility that specialized in developing the skills of users. Paradigm Academy was famous for its agents who've faced many threats throughout history, but not without some losing their lives. And her parents didn't want their daughter, whom they only see so much of between their schedules, to be killed. Especially by the Chthonic Empire.

Fredegund was scared of what her potential freedom would entail, but what the helix fossil told her also gave her resolve. With the right words, she will make her parents understand what she really wanted, and wouldn't you know it, it worked... Barely. Reluctantly.

Further Details of Note:

Usually on her persons is a stone with an ammonite/helix fossil embedded into it. It fits in the palm of her hand and offers her silent guidance in a pinch. It knows a lot due to its age.

She has befriended a standard issue rifle from the Chthonic Empire that uses radiation to stimulate the nerves, agitating them to cause pain. Squeezing the grip causes it to fire, since it has no trigger. In an appeal to logic, she reasoned that perhaps her power may augment its capabilities due to their close relationship, the same way experiments have been conducted where plants are exposed to music or none at all. She has since adorned it in stickers of kittens made of bread, plump bunnies, and fat sheep to help set it apart from future rifles she may encounter. In search of a better name to give it, so far it's called a Rooty-Tooty Point & Shooty, or simply Gun for short.

« Last Edit: Nov 4, 2015 1:37:34 GMT -6 by Fredegund Morency » Back to Top  

Absinthe Makaila

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 Fredegund Morency
« Oct 17, 2015 9:24:32 GMT -6 »

Lol, helix fossil...

Looks good to me! Accepted!

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