Author Topic: Dexter "Spatz" Ambino (Read 213 times)

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Joined: October 2015
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 Dexter "Spatz" Ambino
« Oct 19, 2015 12:34:56 GMT -6 »

Name: Dexter "Spatz" Ambino
Nicknames: Spatz
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Status: Student
Height: 6'5"
Weight: 190 lbs
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: Black
Religious Belief: Agnostic
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual


Personality: Dexter is what many would call a fireball of energy. He is always moving and running around. This is because of his ADHD. Dexter is also a certified klutz which is how he earned the nickname spatz. Often tripping over his own two feet or spilling something on other people he finds himself easily embarrassed. Dexter doesn't take the time to think situations through and dives head first into problems. Because of this he tends to end up in a lot of trouble.

Abilities/Powers: Regenerative ablities and limb generation. He has the power to heal from bruises, broken bones, and small cuts at an extremely swift pace. The larger the injury the longer the regeneration time. Large injuries Can take up to hours and done even days. He also can generate extra arms and legs that aid him in fighting.

History: Growing up Dexter was a pretty normal kid. You know as normal as a freakishly tall middle school student could be. Often ostracized for his outrageous growth spurts, along with his ditzy energetic and clusmy nature, Dexter pretended to laugh along with his friends. You know normal stuff. He lived laughed learned all that garbage. Everything was pretty good until freshman year of high school.

Being the tall kid that he was Everyone pushed and persuaded Dexter to try out for basketball in high school. Figuring he had nothing to lose he did. Surprisingly he made the team. But thats not where the weird things started happening. It was at a pep rally for the first basketball game of the season. His only job was to dunk in front of the entire student body. Unfortunately bwung the Spatz that he is, he missed the landing and broke his ankle. The bone was literally sticking out. But only for a minute. The bone retracted and fixed itself and people instantly started freaking out. Everyone wanted to know what was wrong with him but he never knew. People bullied him even more. He got into tons of foghts because he was the freak. He would go home and tell his mom but none of the bruises or scars would ever be visible. The fights got worse and happened more often. Eventually Dexter decided to fight back. He swung back at this one bully named Kevin McCoy and actually beat him. Kevin fell backwards and ran yelling something about extra arms. Dexter thought the boy had a concussion from the fall. Well until he looked at himself. Dexter had four arms. He went home and showed his mom what he could do. She told him he had to keep this under wraps. But fights kept happening and Dexter had to keep moving schools because of this. Eventually his mom got a letter from a school named Paradigm and his true journey began.

« Last Edit: Oct 24, 2015 7:22:19 GMT -6 by dexter » Back to Top  
El Sensei
El Jefe

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 Dexter "Spatz" Ambino
« Oct 19, 2015 13:27:52 GMT -6 »

I like the bio and the powerset. The only question I'm having is on the extent of the healing factor. The more powers you have the weaker the individual ones become, so with the limb generation I'd like to see you include something about the limitations of his healing factor. Is he only able to regenerate small amounts like stated above, do larger injuries take hours to recover from, etc?

Should be just a small edit so its a little more apparent what they are. Good start, let me know when its done or if you have any questions you can PM me.

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 Dexter "Spatz" Ambino
« Oct 19, 2015 19:48:02 GMT -6 via mobile »


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El Sensei
El Jefe

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 Dexter "Spatz" Ambino
« Oct 19, 2015 19:52:56 GMT -6 via the ProBoards App »

Approved! Contact for your trainer!

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