Author Topic: I Swear Its Not a Date (Piper, Aaron) (Read 247 times)
Sarah White

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 I Swear Its Not a Date (Piper, Aaron)
« Oct 22, 2015 16:22:19 GMT -6 via mobile »

The ride into Chicago was a quiet one. Aaron didn't seem to keen on prying, which she appreciated, and he let her control the music. For the most part, she was just grateful to be out of the strange Academy she had become a part of, away from the people she had met in passing, and into a more comfortable setting. She was used to big cities. Big cities were familiar to her. And in a way, big cities were the same everywhere.

She rested her elbow against the door of the car and rested her chin on her hand, listening to the music, trying to retain that level of relaxation. She wanted to think of something to say, anything to say, but for the moment, there was nothing.

And then, the music turned down as he pulled into a Chinese restaurant, and the smile slowly started to return to her face. She looked over at him, sitting right next to her, and gave a chuckle. "I love Chinese," she said, softly, obviously approving of his choice. She just needed to make sure she had the money for something like this.

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Aaron Silverman

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 I Swear Its Not a Date (Piper, Aaron)
« Oct 22, 2015 17:42:57 GMT -6 »

"Hard to go wrong with it." And this place wouldn't go wrong; he'd been here a few times, enough to be confident taking someone here. "Get what you like, my treat."

Least he could do, right? Not a great deal had been said during the drive, but what talking there was seemed to get easier and easier. Enough so he didn't feel like he might trip over his own tongue every second word, at least. She seemed happy with where things were going, so that was fine; he'd tried not to pry much during the bits of in-car small talk, knowing full well sometimes people just need the company of their own thoughts for a little while.

No use wasting time, though. The rock song on the radio - she'd picked some station that boasted about playing "everything from the '70s to the Naughties" - finally died away as keys left ignition and he popped open his door, making sure his wallet was in his pocket before he came round to let Piper out if she wanted him to get the door. Just being considerate of the fact her arm's in a cast, that's gotta make getting out comfortably a bit awkward.

Luckily, no reservations needed at this place, so when they were ready they could just walk right in and get shown to a seat.

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Sarah White

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 I Swear Its Not a Date (Piper, Aaron)
« Oct 22, 2015 18:44:26 GMT -6 via mobile »

Even sitting there in front of the restaurant, the little green haired girl just couldn't be certain of what she was doing. She was talking to somebody, asking somebody for help, and it was something that she has been taught never to do. She was told that the only person that could help her was Him, and He had. He had taught her everything He needed her to know. Why was she searching for something more?

That moment that she took to try and figure herself out, to breathe and figure everything out, gave him a moment to get around the car. It was something He used to do for her, every time, and it was, in a way, a sign. He was allowing this. He was okay with her asking for help.

She slipped out of the car as gracefully as she could, trying not to be hindered by her broken arm. It didn't work as well as she thought, but it was better than just crumbling into a heap. When she finally slid to the side of the car, she offered him a smile, a soft one, the most genuine one she could offer him. "Thank you," she whispered, but her fingers rose to the chain she wore around her neck.

Thank You, she thought, and then made her way towards the door, not waiting for him to open it for her. Instead, she opened it, and held it open for him, her eyes glittering with the familiarity of the situation.

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Aaron Silverman

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 I Swear Its Not a Date (Piper, Aaron)
« Oct 23, 2015 21:56:57 GMT -6 »

Well, why not? Turnabout was fair. He let her get the door for him and returned her thanks with one of his own, before leading her inside. Aaron liked this place; the food was good, and the interior looked nice without sending off "ooh, look how rich I am/how fancy this place I'm eating at is" vibes; pretentiousness never suited him, not when every cent of the money he had to spend was something he was born into, not something he'd worked even a day to earn. Along the wall to their right as they stepped inside, fish swam happily in a large tank, while the receptionist, a fetching young woman - maybe a few years older than Piper - in a qipao greeted them with a smile and offered to show them to a table.

It wasn't incredibly crowded this time of day, so it wouldn't take too long to be served at least. Aaron would let Piper go ahead of him and be seated first, if she wanted.

« Last Edit: Oct 24, 2015 2:03:58 GMT -6 by Aaron Silverman » Back to Top  

Sarah White

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 I Swear Its Not a Date (Piper, Aaron)
« Oct 24, 2015 3:24:04 GMT -6 via mobile »

Heading inside, Piper seemed immediately - albeit subtly - distracted. The fish swimming around in the tank were bright and colorful, but there was always something more. She always seemed so caught around fish in a tank. Glancing over at them, she couldn't help the slight smile. The thoughts weren't the most gentle, not the kindest (to herself OR the fish), but what came from those thoughts amounted to a very quiet sort of happiness. She loved fish.

It wasn't until the hostess offered to seat them and began to move that she looked up, and for a moment, appeared startled. She hadn't thought they'd be seated so quickly. Catching up to Aaron, she stayed close by him as they were led to their table, and took a seat before he could pull her chair out: that might be too much to bear in that moment.

Still, her soft smile remained upon her lips as they were given a menu, and quietly, she ordered tea: green tea, specifically. She'd need to take at least a moment to go over the menu, but the smells of the place made her stomach growl. The dizziness had, for the most part, dissipated, but what she had been ignoring - the actual hunger - had set in. "I don't know how you guessed," she said, humor in her tone. "I love Chinese food. In Australia, we never went out much, but the few times I managed to sneak food, it was usually either this or fish and chips." She glanced up from the menu, mischievousness apparent in the glitter of her gaze for but a moment before it disappeared.

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Aaron Silverman

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 I Swear Its Not a Date (Piper, Aaron)
« Oct 24, 2015 4:27:49 GMT -6 »

"Just a lucky shot in the dark."

Did that count as a pun, given his power? Probably not, since she didn't know what it was; he'd have demonstrated, to hammer it home, but even with the world fully used to people with superpowers walking around, flashing them in public was still usually considered rude. His first thought had been to crack a joke about telepathy, play with the flash of mischief he saw in her eyes for a moment, but no. That could be creepy. Especially when there were real telepaths out there who really did go rooting around in other people's brains for fun. Ugh. Even the thought made him vaguely want another shower. He shot her a quick grin, to force his mind off that topic.

"Most people like Chinese, and I've been here a few times. They always knock it out of the park; if we'd come on a weekend, they'd have music here, too."

He took a quick glance at the menu, eyes skimming over prices and names he already knew. He'd come in knowing what he would probably get, but when she didn't order except tea, he did the same; oolong, for him. He didn't want her to feel rushed, like he was somehow waiting on her. Besides, he wasn't as hungry as Ms. Hasn't-Eaten-All-Day. The little snippet of her life back in Australia was more interesting, especially told with that accent.

He was curious about that word choice, "sneak food," but there wasn't much way to ask about it without sounding odd. Maybe it was just a dialect thing.

"Australia, huh? Thought the accent was familiar. Whereabouts, if it's okay to ask?"

He'd tried to avoid prying much, she seemed to like that, but hopefully she wouldn't mind him asking. Not when she'd already volunteered some information.

« Last Edit: Oct 24, 2015 4:28:41 GMT -6 by Aaron Silverman » Back to Top  

Sarah White

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 I Swear Its Not a Date (Piper, Aaron)
« Oct 24, 2015 15:06:13 GMT -6 via mobile »

Without looking up from the menu, she said, "Brisbane, actually. Mum was from Perth but moved before I was born. Queensland was more her style, I guess." She seemed unbothered by the information offered and even managed to glance up at him and smile.

What she didn't offer was the church, or why her mother left in such a hurry. She didn't talk about Perth's higher crime rate or the cruelty of some men. No. For information like that, he probably would have to pry.

Still, she noticed his hesitation and, setting the menu down, leaned towards him a bit. Her fingers interlaced and she rested her chin upon them, looking contemplative for a moment. "You know, you can technically ask anything you want. I can't garuntee I'll answer, but you won't offend me by asking."

Years living a Hedonistic lifestyle had taught her many things, but that was one lesson she loved to pass on. You could do whatever you wanted, because you were in control of yourself... What you weren't in control of was the response or consequence to your action.

She smiled again and glanced back down at the menu, still uncertain of what she wanted. Something with red meat.

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Aaron Silverman

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 I Swear Its Not a Date (Piper, Aaron)
« Oct 24, 2015 17:56:10 GMT -6 »

The menu had a lot of choices in that regard, at least!

Her words were good news, too. He never planned to grill her, this wasn't a police interrogation or anything, but at least he could relax. "Glad to hear it," he said, and gave her a smile of his own to show he meant it.

Worst case scenario she doesn't want to answer something, what's all the worrying for. He probably needed to give himself more credit.

He probably also needed to think of something. There'd been one he'd been sitting on, one he'd been tossing back and forth, curiosity and propriety circling and growling and snapping at each other with fanged mouths. One he'd like to know, but really, he had no idea how to ask it without sounding rude and nosey. He could lead up to it, maybe. He was curious about her anyway, so why jump from 0 to 60 right at the start?

The question would still be there, after all. He'd still wonder what brought her to move to the other side of the world.

...Hopefully not something too bad. The way of the world these days, who knew, even if Australia hadn't been attacked yet that he knew of. Aaron kept the myriad directions his thoughts were going off. "Hear Brisbane's a pretty nice place, always wanted to visit if I ever had the chance for a flight. You like growing up there?"

He didn't make up having heard of it. Or the flight. He had some online friends down under, and he'd read things; not to mention, the whole war thing meant family vacations didn't happen too often. Part of him was kicking himself - too small talky! Too interviewish! Would she have moved all the way to Chicago if she'd liked it there? - but maybe it'd give her a chance to open up a little about herself. However much she was comfortable doing anyway. Carried right on from what she was saying, so it wasn't too bad a start.

« Last Edit: Oct 25, 2015 13:17:59 GMT -6 by Aaron Silverman - Reason: Didn't quite seem like Aaron to just throw that one right out the gate. » Back to Top  

Sarah White

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 I Swear Its Not a Date (Piper, Aaron)
« Oct 25, 2015 20:08:45 GMT -6 via mobile »

She couldn't help but smile at the nervousness that played across his features. He was young, how young she didn't know, but it seemed like he was the shy type. Asking questions, any questions, were probably a difficult thing for him to do.

"Brisbane is beautiful," she said, almost thoughtfully, as she recalled everything she had experienced while there. Outside of the church, she had enjoyed her rebelliousness, and once she had met Him... "I enjoyed my last few years, especially. Before that, I was a bit sheltered." She shrugged, as if being sheltered was nothing to be concerned about.

"Did you grow up here, then?" She asked as the waitress brought their tea. She gave the woman a look, even as she thanked her, and she was quick to leave the two alone. Piper took her tea and turned her attention back to her companion, contentedly waiting for his answer.

She would probably just pick something at random from the menu. The kung pao beef sounded good, as did the beef and shrimp in duck sauce. The latter, however, was significantly more expensive, and the cost made her slightly uncomfortable.

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Aaron Silverman

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 I Swear Its Not a Date (Piper, Aaron)
« Oct 25, 2015 21:52:37 GMT -6 »

Well, if overthinking things were an Olympic event, Aaron would've brought home the gold in 2028. The company was good, though, and so was the tea. He'd taken a long sip before getting to her question, letting himself enjoy the robust, floral taste. It had taken getting used to, at first it was a little bitter for his liking, but the flavour had grown on him eventually, and so did the aftertaste. Besides, it was better for him than guzzling down Coke or whatever. The scent of jasmine flowers was nice too.

"Yeah, Chicago born and raised. Been out of the city a few times, but never really lived anywhere else. "

Mostly those times out of the city had been Paradigm stuff, rare family vacations, or when he was small sometimes Mom or Dad would bring him to a base closer to wherever they were deployed at that time. Chicago and the Academy were definitely what he thought of when he heard the word "home". There were worse cities to hail from, even if it did have its reputation for metacrime and assorted weird superpower stuff happening.

"How're you liking the city so far? Compare at all to back home? I know you said you were new here."

Well, he didn't know exactly what she meant by "new". Maybe her family moved here months ago or something and she'd only just joined up with the Academy.

« Last Edit: Oct 25, 2015 23:19:50 GMT -6 by Aaron Silverman - Reason: Haha I couldn't think of much to add. » Back to Top  

Sarah White

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 I Swear Its Not a Date (Piper, Aaron)
« Oct 26, 2015 11:10:27 GMT -6 via mobile »

Trading questions back and forth made it almost like a game, and games made Piper infinitely more comfortable. The players could relax intocwhat they were saying, and she could judge how much information to give by how much Aaron gave in response. He could see her visibly relax in her seat as she sipped her tea, watching as he answered. He seemed uncomfortable, but not because of her, and she had to wonder how much time he had to actually be a kid. It wasn't as if her history allowed her any real childhood, but she had made time. Had he?

"I don't know yet," she admitted after a slow sip of her tea. "I've been in the States for a total of maybe three or four days. One of 'em I spent sleeping to relieve jetlag, and then I came straight here. Well, straight to Paradigm." She chuckled to herself and spun the little tea cup between her hands, staring thoughtfully into the liquid. "I haven't gotten the chance to explore yet. Food's different, and people talk funny." Of course, they probably thought SHE talked funny.

Then, she looked back up at him with a bit of a smile. It was her turn to ask a question. "How long have you been training?" She had heard from some kid, and even from Him, that some people were born with their powers, but she desperately wanted to avoid talking about how either of them actually got their abilities. She didn't want to think Aaron was a blasphemer. He seemed so nice, and he had already agreed to help train her.

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Aaron Silverman

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 I Swear Its Not a Date (Piper, Aaron)
« Oct 26, 2015 16:18:11 GMT -6 »

If asked, Aaron would probably say he felt "uncomfortable" was an overstatement. Maybe more the kind of self consciousness that one feels walking down a flight of stairs or across a narrow space over a drop in the middle of the night when they can't find the light switch. Not that literal darkness was a problem for him, but the analogy was a decent one. He was more sure of his steps now, though, getting used to the path; Piper's "people talk funny" comment actually got a chuckle from him.

"Do I talk funny?" It was mostly a joke, and he shot her a playful smile. He'd been told before he had an interesting accent but not too strong of one, fairly deep for his size and a soft blend of his native-born Chicago, Dad's New York (more Westchester/Hamptons than Manhattan or Bronx) and faint traces of Mom's Texas. He usually tried not to play it up though. How long'd he been training, though, that was a tale to tell...

"In one way or another, I guess most of my life." He'd still had time for a childhood, but there'd always been certain expectations. "I don't like throwing this around, because I think it sounds like I'm bragging or something, but my parents are two of the first ever Paradigm agents. Pretty important folks, very powerful. It was always just kind of taken as a given I'd become an agent too, one day."

He took another sip of his tea, letting the smell relax him. Careful though, because they hadn't even ordered their actual meals yet, wouldn't do to be without a drink when it was time to eat. "Don't get me wrong, I always had a choice, but they started me pretty young in case that was the way I decided to go. I was learning martial arts from Dad almost from the time I could walk, and when my powers manifested Mom started teaching me to use 'em. I was still a kid when I first started studying here."

But that made it his "turn," didn't it? Well, she'd been asking about training. "Did you move out here just for Paradigm, then?"

It was a hell of a long way. Aaron was like, 99% certain Australia had its own metahuman academies, if this was about her powers.

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Sarah White

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 I Swear Its Not a Date (Piper, Aaron)
« Oct 26, 2015 16:38:24 GMT -6 via mobile »

She cocked a brow and gave him a nod when he asked about his accent. To her, they all sounded funny, and he had this strange accent. Maybe it was subtle to other Americans, but to a foreigner, he sounded... Well, foreign. She expected it to be the normal accent for the people of Chicago, but the kids at Paradigm all sounded mixed up. Some sounded stranger than others, and Aaron was most definitely not the strangest she had heard.

"Oh," she said simply, when he explained his parents. Honestly, she knew very little about the history the Academy, assuming she would learn it in whatever classes they shovelled her into. "That must be... Awkward. To be so known." She gave a shake of her head. The very idea of it made her uncomfortable. Leaning back in her seat, she contemplated his question As the waitress made another appearance. Without bothering to look at her, Piper ordered the beef and shrimp in duck sauce... Go big or go home, right?

She would wait for Aaron to order and for the waitress to scurry away before she answered. "I wanted to get as far away from Brisbane and my mother as possible." She didn't mention Him, nor His disappearance. "I was looking for a place to go when something about Paradigm came on the telly. Then I saw a flyer. I had enough cash for a flight. I figured it was too coincidental. Destiny."

And then, silence. Destiny... That word always brought up contemplation. She had been promised a Destiny. He had never failed to deliver before.

Her silence stretched on and she failed to ask him another question, too distracted by her own thoughts.

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Aaron Silverman

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 I Swear Its Not a Date (Piper, Aaron)
« Oct 26, 2015 17:05:19 GMT -6 »

"It could be worse," he said (coincidentally, playing down his accent now) regarding the awkwardness of being known. It really could be. He wasn't exactly gawked at in the corridors, but when people recognised the name a lot of them tended to expect certain things of him, or look at him like any slipup was tarnishing his family name. He wanted to be a hero, sure, but he had no interest in being the next Paul or Rachel Silverman, much as he loved his family - surely being Aaron would be enough. He let Piper order first, when the waitress finally appeared, then asked for the Mongolian beef, with a couple sweet rolls to the side; he was a fan of this place's royal beef, but he never liked the name's connotations. Especially when he'd offered to pay for anything ordered here and was just talking about coming from a prominent family. The Mongolian beef was delicious anyway, and his mind was more on listening to Piper's tale than dissecting his own orders.

It was a tale, too. She didn't say terribly much, but what she did say sketched a picture easy to fill in. Not everyone in Paradigm had the luxury of being some legacy kid, looked after and trained carefully until he was ready to join the Academy. There were war refugees, people who fled abusive homes or unlivable circumstances, orphans, those who one way or another found themselves with few options or with no idea what to do with their lives. There were good stories, too, people who joined to help people or master themselves or defeat the Empire, but he always tried to remember not everybody was as lucky as he was.

Guilt gnawed at his stomach, when silence fell. Had he stepped on a nerve? An open wound? Whatever happened in Brisbane, with her mother, made her want to cross the entire planet to get away from it. And there he was, digging it up like an idiot.

He gave her a bit of time for her thoughts, because she looked like she needed it, before offering any words. "I'm sorry if I brought up any bad memories. You all right?"

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Sarah White

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 I Swear Its Not a Date (Piper, Aaron)
« Oct 26, 2015 17:19:17 GMT -6 via mobile »

His words seemed to snap her out of a trance. She jerked slightly, as if she had forgotten he was there, that they were out and about. Clearing her throat, she forced away the memories that plagued her whenever she thought of her mother. He was apologizing and she couldn't help but smile. "Don't apologize," she told him, ever true to her hedonism. "I told you that you could ask anything. My mother... She's just not my favorite person. We don't understand each other."

That was an understatement. Her saintly nun of a mother could never accept what her daughter had decided to do with her life. "What about you?" She asked. "Do you get along with your parents?"

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Aaron Silverman

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 I Swear Its Not a Date (Piper, Aaron)
« Oct 26, 2015 20:54:21 GMT -6 »

"Long as you're okay."

She did say he could ask what he liked, true, but she'd seemed hurt and he couldn't not say something. Not everyone came from a good home, but she was away from it now, so hopefully things would be better. As for his own parents...

"Don't get to see 'em as often as I'd like, but I love 'em to bits." He usually didn't say it, but then, usually it went without saying. "Dad does a lot of work in our DC branch, and when he's not there he's often on some important mission or other, but when he can't come home he calls every day. Mom technically works in this branch, but she's out in the field a lot too; she comes home more often, though. They can be intimidating sometimes, but at heart they're good people. They've always done their best for me."

Even though he doesn't talk about them much, he could do a lot of talking once someone got him started. He hadn't done yet, but he could feel it starting, and slowed himself down. Not because he was uncomfortable, not because he thought she was, just because he didn't want to catch himself babbling endlessly about his home life. Especially not after what light she shed on hers. She'd wanted to know, though, so there was that.

... Also, he found himself realising he wasn't sure what to ask her, for his "turn". That might have been noticed from the gradual trailing off of his voice.

Come on, think of something.

At least it was only a second or two. Not a long enough silence to be awkward.

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Sarah White

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 I Swear Its Not a Date (Piper, Aaron)
« Oct 26, 2015 21:57:19 GMT -6 via mobile »

She expected him to say something as she absorbed his answer. She knew that quite a few people had good family lives and she wasn't quite certain what made her think that he would be any different. After all, he had talked about training with both of his parents when he was young, so obviously they cared, at least to some degree.

When he couldn't think of anything else to ask, she let the silence stretched on, just a moment into uncomfortable. Piper had leaned back, supporting her arm gingerly with her opposite hand, as she imagined what his life must have been like.

He was so shy, she almost expected him to admit to some story of abuse, but there was no evidence of it, physically nor in what he told, and he didn't seem to be lying. That honesty was fairly refreshing.

"So did they inspire you? To become an agent, I mean? You said you weren't expected, but you did make the choice to come here, so that must mean something, right?" She smiled as she thought about all of the other reasons he could list: fame, glory, power... Maybe he was the next villain in disguise.

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Aaron Silverman

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 I Swear Its Not a Date (Piper, Aaron)
« Oct 27, 2015 1:09:58 GMT -6 »

He didn't like how the silence stretched. Not that sitting there quietly with her was bad, but it reminded him how utterly he'd drawn a blank, felt as if he were failing somehow. The moment passed a little more, not so long but long enough it felt like it were worming under his skin, mocking him. She looked at him, didn't seem to be judging, but he was already pretty good at judging himself.

He'd been about to just fling out the first random thing that came to his mind, anything to not make him seem like a total flop of a conversationalist, when she cut in with another question. Aaron didn't want this exchange to turn too one-sided, but at least it put his mind back in motion. Besides, it was a nice one to think about.

"Yeah, they did." He didn't even notice the grin creeping on to his face, remembering childhood days where he knew nothing of the evil in the world, only that his parents were real live superheroes. "They never wanted to, you know, do anything that made me feel like the choice was made for me, but I met so many of their old friends as a kid, heard so many stories of this place. For me, it wasn't even the action and excitement of it all, the fame, any of that. Just hearing what Paradigm does for people, hearing how we try to make the world a better place, all the times we've protected humanity, it kind of made me want to be a part of it."

Hopefully he wasn't sounding too much of a dork. Once Aaron picked up momentum, sometimes it could be hard to stop him. "Not just fighting bad guys. Helping people, sticking up for the little guy, making things better one step at a time. When I was a little older, and I'd been learning my power for a while, they sat me down to talk about studying at Paradigm, to ask me for sure if it was what I really wanted to do. Said if I became an agent one day, it wouldn't be all medals and comic book covers, that it was scary, stressful, often thankless work and every day I might be facing things no regular human could ever go up against, and I'd have to win. Heck of a talk to have with a kid, but if I wanted to train there, they were going to make damn sure I knew what I was getting into."

Was he boring her? Rambling annoyingly? He knew he could get carried away sometimes if he let off the leash. Maybe he was making it too serious, but well, it had been a very serious conversation Mom and Dad had had with him. "I know the world's not a perfect place, even back then I knew, but... I hope this doesn't sound naive or self-righteous or anything, but I completely lucked into this life I've lived, the abilities I have. Didn't do a thing to earn any of it, just born to the right people. How could I look at how much injustice there is in the world, how many innocent people need someone to stand up for them and for what's right, then take my power and do nothing with it? I might not be Superman, and I know not every meta can do this job or even wants to, but I feel like it would be selfish of me not to do my best for everyone out there who needs a hero."

The smile had faded, but he gave her another one. He'd apologise for the long speech but he was willing to bet she was getting a little tired of hearing "Sorry". "I got a little carried away there. It doesn't sound exactly like how you said it was for you, but you can see where I'm coming from? I can relate to it, you know, suddenly feeling like I knew exactly where I was meant to be?"

The last bits phrased as a question, to draw her back into being talked to, not at. And because, even though they had different backgrounds, it sounded like they could relate in that sudden certainty, the sense of destiny for lack of a better word. It was one hell of a question to answer, and as the restaurant buzzed around them he'd felt like he had to open up honestly. Hopefully it didn't scare her away, make him sound like some idiot or like he was trying to big himself up; she was interesting, and he'd felt like he could open up a little.

A thing he didn't say was that maybe that was why he'd jumped to offer to help her out. That and he'd never been good at saying no to a pretty girl.

« Last Edit: Oct 27, 2015 1:18:55 GMT -6 by Aaron Silverman » Back to Top  

Sarah White

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 I Swear Its Not a Date (Piper, Aaron)
« Oct 27, 2015 13:24:38 GMT -6 via mobile »

She was surprised as he rambled on about everything he had witnessed as a child, about everything he wanted to do. He seemed almost innocent in that moment, untouched by the evils of the world. Most people wanted to be something with glamour when they grew up... He just wanted to be a good guy. He wanted to help people. Sometimes, it was hard to remember they were all still kids in their own way, but Aaron was a breath of fresh air, cool water in the summer. He was still a kid.

Her heart softened. She wanted to reach out and touch him in that moment, just to contact that innocence first hand. She wanted to be a part of it. "That's... Beautiful." She murmured, her voice soft. It was only the delivery of their meals that kept her from touching him, and the break in the moment was a relief. Piper rarely touched people, and almost never on her own accord. Her body was a Temple to Him, and she treated it with that respect.

"I'm glad you understand," she said, softly, as she used her good hand to maneuver the chopsticks. Her fingers weren't as agile but she was trying to manage, balancing the sticks and picking up a small shrimp from her plate. "Most people have their own reasons for being here, but none seem to feel that this is where they belong. It's just a last resort for them."

She chuckled and ate her piece of shrimp, enjoying the flavors. Food was a good distraction and would allow for a lull in conversation. Still, Piper felt almost as if she needed to say something, to share with him as he shared with her.

"My mother... She was a part of the church before I was born. And after, she was even stronger in her faith. She raised me with the other nuns, in the church. I went through the schooling and took my vows... Was on the proper path to follow in her footsteps." She shook her head. Most people wouldn't be able to look at her and see her as a Sister, and normally, it wasn't something she bothered sharing. She gave a slight shrug as if it was no big deal and went back to eating.

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Aaron Silverman

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 I Swear Its Not a Date (Piper, Aaron)
« Oct 28, 2015 0:15:13 GMT -6 »

Beautiful, huh? It wouldn't be massively noticeable, but with his fair skin the blush would be easy to spot, however briefly. Not embarrassed, really, more flattered that she'd think so well of what he had to say. He ran a hand through his hair and let the moment stay between them, since she seemed happy with where it was. It didn't go on that long, but felt longer, only broken when the food arrived and the smell brought him out of it. Faster than usual by quite a bit - should he tip more because it was impressively quick, or less because he wanted that moment between Piper and himself to go on longer? After pay hikes and the like over the years, it wasn't seen as mandatory like in his parents' day, but it was still a nice thing to do.

Maybe he'd decide when he saw the bill. For now he gripped a piece of flank steak with his chopsticks and placed it in his mouth, chewing slowly to take in the flavour as he took in Piper's words. He wasn't sure he agreed that most saw Paradigm as a last resort, but then, there were certainly worse ones, and it wasn't like all of the millions of metahumans out there were on its staff. It looked like they might end up eating in silence for a little bit, after that, but Piper had something to say so Aaron placed the chopsticks down and finished the bit of steak he was working on, putting his attention back on her.

He took in every word, listening as closely as she had for him, letting her speak her piece like she clearly needed to. The thought of her in a nun's habit was an interesting visual, he couldn't lie. Unexpected, for sure, but who was he to judge what paths someone's life took, so long as they weren't hurting anybody?

"And then you saw the thing about Paradigm on TV, felt you needed to be here instead?" A piece of active listening, remembering how she said it happened before, but also his own wonderings. From the church to Paradigm was rather a detour, and unspoken but present - probably not hard for someone as sharp as Piper seemed to be to pick up - was his own wondering as to what changed her mind and had her turn away when she did. Not explicitly asked, so that Piper could decide for herself if she wanted to shed any light on it without feeling expected to.

Much more than that might be prying; she'd said it was fine to ask her things, but from what she said before, how she was willing to cross an ocean to get away from her mother, there probably wasn't a good story there. If she felt like bringing it out of the shadows, it would be something she chose to volunteer, not something he went prodding at. From his tone, at least, his interest in anything she was willing to say about herself would be pretty clear.

He worked down some more of the steak after his question, patiently awaiting anything she felt like saying. No pressure right now.

« Last Edit: Oct 28, 2015 1:21:57 GMT -6 by Aaron Silverman » Back to Top  

Sarah White

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 I Swear Its Not a Date (Piper, Aaron)
« Oct 28, 2015 3:10:02 GMT -6 via mobile »

She chuckled, playing a bit with her food as she remembered what a joke it had been when she had taken her vows. They had threatened all sorts of awful things if she didn't, reminding her if her bloodline and what have you, and really, she hadn't believed a word of it. "I wasn't exactly strong in my faith," she admitted, picking up a piece of the steak and examining it. It meant she didn't have to look at Aaron. "Really, it all came because I had no other options, so when I realized I did..."

Her words sort of faded out, and to emphasise her point, she took a bite of her food. When she realized she had other options, she had jumped on the first plane and flown across America to get away from the blasphemous church, its hypocritical nuns, her obsessive mother, and His memories. Her Destiny was most definitely NOT with the church, and she had to find it somewhere.

If he wanted to eat in quiet, she would let him, beginning to shift into her dish. It was utterly delicious, dipped perfectly in the sauce, and the meat was tender and well spiced. It provided an excellent distraction to her sad tale, so incredibly different from his own life. However, if he would speak, she would listen, and if he had any questions, she had answers.

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Aaron Silverman

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 I Swear Its Not a Date (Piper, Aaron)
« Oct 28, 2015 4:21:26 GMT -6 »

"I understand."

Sure, he had a lot of options, he couldn't literally say he'd been in a position like wherever she'd found herself, but he could empathise. He wouldn't labour the point, patronise her with a big show of sympathy, but the response and the gentle smile he shot her would hopefully send the message. She didn't have to say anything she didn't want to, and it sounded like an unhappy tale she came from overall. They'd come from such different backgrounds, but here they were, signed up at Paradigm because it was where they felt they were meant to be.

He listened to every word, occasionally working down some beef, swirled around in the savoury brown sauce and then eaten slowly. The bustle around them didn't exist. She wasn't looking at him any more, probably focussed on the memories - and the food, of course. There was a part of him - maybe the part that felt guilty even asking her to dwell on these things long enough to tell him anything - that wanted to find some way to comfort her, without coming on way too strong, but he wasn't sure what that could be. Would his presence be enough? She could talk to him if she wanted, just know he was there if she didn't.

It seemed like she wanted to focus on her meal for a bit, which was fine. It looked incredible; Aaron almost wished he'd ordered it himself. But the mixture of rice, veggies, sauce, flank steak and the contrast with the sweet rolls made his own order pretty good in its own right. He would spend a little time just eating with her, if that's what she wanted; she was free to say something if she wished, or not to if this was fine by her. He wasn't sure what else to ask right now anyway.

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Sarah White

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 I Swear Its Not a Date (Piper, Aaron)
« Oct 28, 2015 12:24:36 GMT -6 via mobile »

The silence was surprisingly comfortable as they both, for a few moments, focused on their meal. Telling pieces of her tale had brought a sadness to her face, to her dull colored eyes, that made her look distant. Yet, the silence stretched out between them, and instead of feeling awkward, she smiled.

It was rare to just be able to sit with somebody, to not feel the constant pressure of conversation that seem to drive society. She usually felt the need to fill every silence, or to make somebody uncomfortable by stretching it out. Instead, she just... Let it be. Her shoulders relaxed as she ate a bit more of her meal, mixing some of the duck sauce onto the rice and taking a slow, thoughtful bite.

"Aaron?" She murmured, setting her chopsticks down and turning to look up at him once more. The cloud that often covered her eyes seemed to have been lifted and, a rare occurrence, they looked almost green.

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Aaron Silverman

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 I Swear Its Not a Date (Piper, Aaron)
« Oct 28, 2015 13:39:25 GMT -6 »

"What's up?"

There was a stretch where it felt just a little awkward, the silence, but it passed quickly, turned companionable. A lot of people felt like there had to be constant chatter, or an interaction was a failure; it was why sometimes Aaron got nervous when he couldn't think of something to say. That pressure to always have something, to always be picking up your side. When you could just sit there quietly with someone and not feel like you were doing something wrong, that was always nice.

It let him work on his food, too. He'd always been a fast eater, but a neat one, so little by little he polished off more of the beef, then the stir fry, then the steamed rice. At one point he finished off his tea and, next time their waitress was near their table, had to ask for a refill. Usually he liked to take down his meals one portion at a time - first the meat, then the veggies, then the rice, for example - but for some reason he was more or less tasting randomly this time. When he heard her speak, he looked back up, putting his sticks down as well; the faint sadness on her face was gone, but she looked thoughtful, as if something important was to be said.

Well, he'd asked what was on her mind, so now he was going to listen.

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Sarah White

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 I Swear Its Not a Date (Piper, Aaron)
« Oct 29, 2015 19:26:53 GMT -6 via mobile »

She stared at her food for a long moment, as if it would give her all the answers she was seeking. She had come halfway across the world, following sole hunch, to a school that shattered her arm on her first day. She had pushed away almost any remnants of who she was before and disappeared, and somehow, she had ended up here, eating delicious Chinese food with a kid that had some sort of special power, who wanted so desperately to be the "good guy."

Just a few years before, she was about to buy nameless drugs from a dirty stranger in some disgusting alley behind a bar.

She had come a long way. Looking up at Aaron, she was happy to see somebody so full of life before her, somebody who truly saw the best in people. It made her smile. She reached a hand out to gingerly rest it upon his hand, caressing his skin with her thumb. To her, the act was monumental. She didn't often try to touch people. Yet, she did so, willingly and knowingly, as she looked at him. He was a Godsend.

"Thank you."

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