Author Topic: Daniel Bradshaw (Read 286 times)
Daniel Bradshaw
Paradigm Student

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Joined: November 2015
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 Daniel Bradshaw
« Nov 12, 2015 17:48:44 GMT -6 »

Name: Daniel Miron Bradshaw
Nickname(s):Dan, Danny
Status: Student
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Nationality: American 
Ethnicity: White
Height: 5'10
Weight: 155lbs
Religious Beliefs: None
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Black hair, yellow eyes and a scar on his left cheek. He's generally considered thin but is actually quite cut and wiry. He's got large hands and feet with an almost crooked grin and generally wears sweaters or jackets since he finds Chicago weather to be as cold as a well diggers ass.
Personality:Quiet and reserved, not many people know much about Dan. He is closed off and rather cold. The powers he has doesn’t mean much to him and he finds it more of a burden than it’s worth. He’s rather indifferent on most things and typically only fights when provoked. He remains calm and collected during fights, thinking very rationally as opposed to most who seem to jump headlong into things. He's not someone who really listens to what people say about him, since he cares too much about what others think.

Introspectively, he is actually quite laid back. He likes running, and books. He's a big fan of rugby and watches it whenever he has time. He's rather insistent on his schooling since he knows once he masters things he can get out of that place so tends to get straight A's in all areas but his power, which he refuses to practice outside of the forced sessions. He also tends to be reserved with it, scared he might hurt someone and tends to be very self-restricted which hampers his abilities.

Interests: He likes reading, and adores sailboats, especially the old fashioned ones from the early sixteen hundreds onward. He likes running and is good with computers. He's suprisingly interested in fighting, and has been told he's quite adept at it despite his lack of real interest in it.
Skills: Fighting, computer hacking/hardware reconstruction, lock picking
Abilities/Powers: NOTE: This ability is never used outside of class and therefore is not known to the public. Teleportation - The ability to move instantaneously from one location to another without physically occupying the space in between. A sub-power of Spatial Manipulation.

Having gotten his powers at birth, Danny was a...problem kid. He struggled making connections with people due to how things went in early childhood. He would be crawling as a baby and suddenly jump outside, across the street. He would teleport at the beach into the ocean, forcing people to rush out and save him. He finally was able to grasp control of the raging power and, at every instance, stuff it down. It didn't stop him from accidentally teleporting when driving a go-cart with his crush. It didn't stop him from being on a tandem bike with his best friend and accidentally teleporting them into traffic before teleporting out. He kept a close eye on it now but...

That didn't stop them from finding him.

Danny was taken into the school this year, his father having died a year before. He isn't a fan of the ton of coursework and forced-power lessons (His mother is ADAMENT he learn, and constantly asks him how it's going there....what a pain...) but knows to just keep his head down as he's told.

« Last Edit: Nov 12, 2015 18:12:19 GMT -6 by Daniel Bradshaw » Back to Top  

Absinthe Makaila

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 Daniel Bradshaw
« Nov 12, 2015 18:05:27 GMT -6 »

Hey there. This looks pretty good, but I just needed some things cleared up that I'm iffy on.

Your bio states he got his power at birth, but later on it mentions lessons for forced-powers. Did you mean he's being forced to learn, or that his power was actually killed and became a "forced-power"? If the latter is the case, I'd need you to explain how that happen in your history.

If it's that he's being forced to learn, that would need explaining too. Paradigm invites and recruits students, but none of them are forced to do anything. If there's some reason he is being forced to attend rather than having joined on his own, that would need to be explained in your history, too.

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Daniel Bradshaw
Paradigm Student

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 Daniel Bradshaw
« Nov 12, 2015 18:10:32 GMT -6 »

Oh okay! One sec.


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Absinthe Makaila

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 Daniel Bradshaw
« Nov 12, 2015 18:12:21 GMT -6 »

Thanks a lot! Approved! Please contact for your trainer!

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