Author Topic: Seeking Tranquility (Nicole) (Read 438 times)

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 Seeking Tranquility (Nicole)
« Oct 6, 2009 21:25:36 GMT -6 »

There had been too much violence in Connor's life recently. He was alive, and his bruises were at least hidden by his clothes at this point. His new battle wounds so to speak. His old ones, the scars from New York's crucifixion incident were still covered, the stab to his ribs by his shirt, and the scars on his hands by his gloves. All the fighting brought back old memories, and that phantom pain he had every so often caused him to rub his hands.

Phantom or not, the pain was no less real to him.

He found himself outside after school. It was warm for October, and it felt good to have the sun on his face. His pale green eyes were not covered by his shades right now. He was becoming more comfortable with them. Berlin had said they were beautiful once. Maybe they were, and maybe they weren't He only hoped they weren't creepy. He hated for people to feel uncomfortable around him. He had his shades in his pocket, just in case.

He sat outside, finding a bench to rest. The campus was huge, and he had to be careful not to get himself lost. Again. He had let his mind wander instead of focusing, and he had met up with a not-so-friendly response from a very violent student. That same student had been in the ring with him not too long ago, and now Connor wanted nothing more than to be as far away from fighting as possible. In a place like Chula Vista, he wasn't remaining hopeful.

He too a bottle of water out of his bag, and took a drink from it. He then closed his eyes, and took in the air around him. Where the halls of the school echoed it, the outdoors dispersed a good deal of the sound made by everyone. It allowed Connor to be more comfortable, and therefore more himself.

The only thing lacking was a friend to share the day with. Berlin was busy, Santiago was out as well, and Roth... well Roth's idea of fun usually involved some kind of pain. Connor was reminded of the bruising from the Blackout fight, and thought maybe he was better off alone for right now.

He let out a sigh, his eyes closed for the moment. Finally have the day to myself, and the only thing I realize is that being alone isn't all it's cracked up to be.

« Last Edit: Oct 15, 2009 16:17:36 GMT -6 by connor » Back to Top  
Nicole Husher

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 Seeking Tranquility (Nicole)
« Oct 14, 2009 4:26:29 GMT -6 »

OOC: I haven't written with this character in a while, so I might be a bit rusty, but later posts will be better as I get used to her again. Also why it took a little while; my computer's been really reliable past few days, but I couldn't get in her head long enough to write down a good post, and eventually just threw something up to get the thread moving. Hope you don't mind that I assumed he's still wearing his school uniform, or the assumption that we're at the entrance parks; the way it was written just made that sound like the most likely location. Also, you're free to mod her sitting down if you want, in your reply, since it'd flow more easily; your choice though.

Today had been a long day for Nicole, which hadn't been made any easier by the restless night before. For the most part, high school and university were entirely different places, but one thing remained the same: more often than not, Nicole spent much of her time studying and preparing for assignments. Sometimes, this carried her through most of the night, or even into the next morning, depending on when she was able to actually get to her schoolwork between other responsibilities and generally actually having a life. The natural consequence was that she tended to end up running on little actual sleep at times, and with her luck she ended up desperately needing it the next day.

Ironically, the classes and exams she had just got out of, along with the general running about campus, wouldn't have been nearly as taxing if she hadn't spent most of the night studying for those very things. Normally, Nicole would've found that at least a bit amusing, but there was something of a haze over her mind now, that kept her from seeing the humour in it.

However, the day's classes were over, meaning she had some time to herself, so she supposed it wasn't all bad. The temperature never really cooled to any appreciable degree, in California, but it was a rather agreeable October's day, so the young woman honestly couldn't see a reason not to get some fresh air.

Hopefully, the walk would help clear her mind, or at the least kill a bit of time; for once, she honestly didn't feel like tackling her homework first thing after classes, and her room-mate... well, the girl wasn't all that bad, but Nicole just didn't feel like dealing with someone that insanely energetic, right now. Oddly, there weren't very many people out and about, and those she did see were working on one thing or another, but she didn't particularly mind. Not too many of them seemed the type that'd have anything interesting to say, anyway, and she was mostly enjoying the walk on her own.

After a while, Nicole felt a bit of the fatigue beginning to slip away, helped both by the temperate weather and the long walk, but she still had to cover up a yawn as she found herself in one of the parks near the campus entrance. In all honesty, she wasn't sure how she'd ended up there, seeing as she'd been paying more attention to the walk itself than any ideas for a destination, but she supposed there were worse things to do with the day than have a look around.

Maybe I should find a place to sit down, think of something to do; too nice a day to waste it just wandering.

This line of thought took the O'Hare freshman further into the park, until she came upon a small group of benches near some trees, the nearest of which was occupied by a younger-looking boy with red hair. He didn't seem to notice her approaching but, while a little odd, that wasn't what gave her pause; that was the fact that he was wearing the John C Fremont uniform.

This could be trouble...

Nicole wouldn't say she had anything against Fremont students, really, but if there was one place in the Collective where all of the insanity was most concentrated, that was it. In her spare time, she volunteered at their infirmary, and she'd almost lost count of how many times she'd been called down to help treat the victim(s) of a rather savage beating, including a few gang members who looked like some beast had mauled them. Nicole'd never thought she would feel bad for a gang member until one of the three had almost died on the way to the hospital, and she shuddered at the thought of running into whatever psycho had done that; in all honesty, she was surprised the police or government hadn't forced the place to close down, yet.

She knew it was cruel to judge people based just on the reputation of others in their group, and the boy hadn't made a move or done anything to suggest he'd even noticed her, but it was difficult trying not to freeze up. What if this was one of the psychos? Or worse, the guy who'd nearly killed those skinheads? She felt a sudden temptation to grab her mobile and call the police, but then remembered it was in her dorm. Well, bugger. Her heart was starting to race, but she tried to calm it down; no good panicking when there might not even be a threat, and besides, there were other people around who'd hopefully try to stop things if it turned into a fight. Using this to calm herself down, she exhaled and took the last few steps towards the boy and his bench.

"Hey," she said, smiling pleasantly but holding herself ready to bolt if the boy turned out to be one of the insane ones. "Mind if I sit here? It's been a long day, wouldn't mind getting off my feet for a bit."

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 Seeking Tranquility (Nicole)
« Oct 15, 2009 16:39:21 GMT -6 »

OOC: All assumptions made are fine. I didn't give much thought, and at times I forget about the uniforms myself. Oh, and did you say you haven'tt written this character in a while? Can't tell. This is a great post.

IC: Connor had heard the person approach, but didn't take notice of them fully until they spoke. There were still a few people around, and so he just assumed this was another student passing through. However, the footsteps came right at his direction.

Now, given the more recent events in Connor's life, he wasn't exactly expecting a friend;y encounter. He had met up with a vicious boy, and he was not looking forward to another fight. Though he did enjoy a good spar, he was not violent or aggressive by nature, and preferred the quiet serenity of a cool night, or warm afternoon.

He stayed relaxed, faced the person with a warm smile for a greeting, but stayed alert should he need to move or defend himself. Lucky for him, the voice that spoke held no animosity. The girl simply needed a seat to rest. Connor moved over to give her some room on the bench, and indicated with his hand that she could join him.

Though her voice held no ill will, she still sounded a little nervous, and a bit fatigued. Could be the stress of class, or maybe something else. Regardless, Connor spoke openly and friendly with his newly met company. "Sure, you can take a seat. I was just sitting here to relax myself." His very demeanor contradicted the stereo type of the rest of the student body of his school. Though linked to it by his uniform, he didn't fully see himself as a part of their 'collective.'

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Nicole Husher

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 Seeking Tranquility (Nicole)
« Oct 28, 2009 23:45:23 GMT -6 »

OOC: Sorry for the wait, computer problems and a bit of writers' block. I'll try to post more frequently. It's not that long, but I was just trying to get the thread moving even though I really just couldn't think up anything good. I'll try for a better post next time; I just didn't want to end up killing the thread. Seriously, took nearly a month, and there's not much of an excuse for it seeing as I have more free time than you do.

All right, not bad so far.

"Thanks. Been running around campus all day, so I could use the break."

Nicole hadn't known exactly what to expect when she'd approached the boy, but the fact that he hadn't lunged for her throat as soon as she'd spoken was a good start. Once he moved over to give her some room, she nodded politely and sat next to him, allowing herself to relax some. The more cynical part of her considered the possibility that it was a trick, but he seemed decent enough that Nicole was willing to give him a bit of the benefit of the doubt; she figured that, if he were going to go for her, he would've done it when she'd been looking at him like a deer in the headlights (she hated that cliché, but sometimes it was accurate). There was no point in trying to be friendly if you were just going to treat everybody like a potential enemy, and he hadn't done anything to deserve being thought of that way, but at least she was giving him a chance; Fremont's reputation just wasn't easy to ignore, especially not for someone who'd seen why it had that reputation.

You're being stupid, Nikki. Quit it.

Properly chastised, even if it had come from her own head, she sat back and looked around at the immediate area. This park wasn't too crowded at the moment, and most of the people she did see walking around were Fremont students, but that only made sense; the other two schools probably still had classes going on, by her reckoning, whereas the high school was more likely to have just got out. None of them were really paying either her or the boy next to her any attention, so she figured it was safe to ignore them unless one came up to her. That was a rather rude way of putting things, but she couldn't think of a better way to say it; on the whole, it really was a sort of wish that any troublemakers in the group would leave her alone if she didn't bother them.

She had learned in the past that such a take, seeming confident enough to be completely unconcerned with the fact that they were present, was a good way to get most such groups except the most aggressive (who would go after you given any excuse, really, so the best way to deal with them was to turn them on someone else, preferably one of your enemies) or desperate to go find a different target. Learning how to play them against each other, knowing the likely mindsets of such individuals and being able to use it against them, tended to be just as effective (sometimes moreso) than punching someone in the face. In either case, it seemed effective for now, so she let her mind drift to other matters.

For one, she soon realised that she'd been sitting next to the younger boy for several seconds without so much as introducing herself or even looking his way. She didn't know how he took the sudden silence, but couldn't help being put off at her own (if accidental, due to it completely slipping her mind) rudeness, so she soon found herself trying to save face.

"Gah, sorry. Er, I don't think we've met, have we?" Nicole knew how stupid that sounded, and sighed. "All right, let me try that again before you think all O'Hare students are ditzes or something. My name's Nicole, though I don't think I know yours; how long've you been at the Collective, if you don't mind my asking?"

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 Seeking Tranquility (Nicole)
« Nov 3, 2009 16:04:14 GMT -6 »

She had gotten quiet, but he figured it was due to the fact that she did come here to find a seat to relax. So, he didn't question it. It wasn't as though he wasn't used to silence. He was fond of it, as it allowed the natural sounds of the day enter his mind, and fill it with pleasant thoughts.

When she did speak, he smiled gently. "No we haven't met, though I am pleased to have the pleasure. My name is Connor. And don't worry about it. Silence doesn't mean ditzy. You did say you needed to relax right? I figured you were catching your breath."

He smiled, and would gladly answer her question. "I haven't been here all that long. I only arrived her shortly before the assembly that the headmaster had called. The little demonstration with the students he called on stage. Maybe a few months ago?"

Connor wasn't exactly sure of the time. "I moved he from New York. It was a bit of a hike, but I was hoping to make a bit of a new start, and maybe find something better." He chuckled. "But, I ended up here, and I am not exactly sure how here is any better. The violence isn't exactly less." He sighed.

"How about yourself? Have you been here long?" He turned more toward her, facing her direction. He may not be able to see her, but so far she didn't seem to know that, and he didn't wish to be rude.

"You go to O'Hare. Is it less violent than Fremont?"

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Nicole Husher

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 Seeking Tranquility (Nicole)
« Jan 1, 2010 9:49:42 GMT -6 »

Nicole almost wished that Connor's question was one she'd have to think about for a bit, but lying to him wouldn't do. Answering his question with a lie was no way to pay him back for being nice, or at least not an option she could take without feeling guilty for it, so she gave a bit of a nod. She doubted there was no violence at all at O'Hare, but it really didn't match some of the things she'd seen at Fremont, or at Southridge for that matter. Maybe university kids were calmer or something, Nicole didn't know for sure, but she found herself secretly glad she didn't actually attend Fremont every time she got called down there.

"Yeah, it is," she said. "Maybe it's different for other people, but I went to a pretty bad high school before coming here; compared to some of the stuff that went on in Southridge, O’Hare’s really not bad. I definitely feel a lot safer now than I did in high school.”

After a few moments passed in silence, something he said caught her attention. Nicole had never lived outside of California, and while she had visited New York briefly a couple years back, that had been in the middle of a bitter winter when classes weren't in session; because of that, she only really knew the New York schools by reputation, particularly that of the infamous Varron Academy. By all accounts, Connor didn't seem at all like what she'd expect from a product of the corporal punishment system; among other things, he was much nicer than a lot of others she'd spoken to, and had yet to make even one inappropriate comment towards her.

There's always exceptions; bet even some Varron people aren't that bad.

Nicole wouldn't have lasted a month in Southridge if she'd not forced herself to become good at manipulating people, but that was still no reason to completely shut everyone out. If nothing else, she'd been forced to develop a good eye for those that could be trusted, and if he wasn't genuine, he was still putting on a good enough act that she'd need some more time to see through it.

May as well hear him out.

"How long did you live in New York?" She asked. "Are the schools there as bad as their reputation? I've not had the chance to see for myself, so I have to admit that I'm a little curious."

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