Author Topic: Miami Agents (Read 308 times)
Mathew Amtrum
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 Miami Agents
« Nov 1, 2015 22:16:14 GMT -6 »

Name: Tyler West
Nickname(s): Ty
Status: Junior Agent
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: German, English
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 160 lbs
Religious Beliefs: HAH!
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual


Personality: Tyler's a confident guy with an incredibly extroverted personality. He likes to party and be surrounded by people, especially if he's the center of attention. When he's not, he's taken to acts of machismo to get it.

In fact he fancies himself a hilarious guy, but all his jokes are at the expense of someone else so that he looks better. Sadly, most of the time, it works.

He seems to have little regard for authority and will talk back to superiors.

Interests: Drinking, Partying, DJing, Drugs, Girls, Surfing, Brawling, Bullying, Cars, Clothes, Moneeeeyyyy

Skills: Driving fast, surfing, dancing

Abilities/Powers: Plastic Manipulation- User can move, shape and manipulate plastic, material of a wide range of synthetic or semi-synthetic organic solids that are moldable. Plastics are typically organic polymers of high molecular mass, but they often contain other substances. They are usually synthetic, most commonly derived from petrochemicals, but many are partially natural (Wiki)

History: Ty is the second son of a wealthy family. Due to being the second, his older brother was the one being groomed as the heir to his family's company. Ty got to instead enjoy the easy life of having lots of money. And boy did he spend it.

One could say he lacked attention and that's why he bought it so much from people around him. But he'd kick the ass of said person for ever assuming he was that weak.

No one in his family was a meta, and the same went for him until recently. At some point when hanging with his friends, they found an odd plastic toy. The kind that apparently had recorded lines. Assuming it was defective since it was just talking non-stop, Tyler shut it up by smashing it to pieces while his friends laughed. That's when he received his powers over plastic.

It was quite a fight to make it work like he wanted, but Tyler had never lost a fight and eventually his will overpowered that of the power within him.

Following that forced union, Tyler joined the Paradigm situated in Miami where he intended to rule the school.

Name: Leo Rodriguez
Status: Jr. Agent
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: 1/2 Peurto Rican, 1/2 Caucasian
Height: 5'9”
Weight: 186lbs
Religious Beliefs: Can't be bothered
Sexual Orientation: Anything legal

Personality: Leo is a bit of a slacker and goofball, relying on humor to diffuse social tensions and, if that doesn't work, money. He's never gone without it and would be lost without his technology. Aggravating situations tend to roll off of him like water on a duck's back, but when push comes to shove, Leo's not above using his powers. He's also not against using them to get what he wants, especially if it means he can be lazy or show off to someone in the process.

He has frustrated a couple of senior agents in the past with his fallback on humor, but he's not tactless. He'd just rather have fun than deal with the serious things in life.

Abilities/Powers: Pressure Strike
History: Growing up in Miami, Leo was introduced to the joys of an upper class life from birth. His father a retired NFL player and his mother a local artist, he was given mostly free reign to explore his passions growing up. Born with his abilities, he has never known a life as a non-meta and would find it incredibly boring and limited.

His powers were discovered when he was about two years old. Reaching for a toy he wanted that was on the other side of the room, Leo's mother turned in time to see the toy and several others pushed back as if by an invisible hand, even though they didn't move much at first. Repeated events with increasing degrees of strength confirmed what they had begun to believe: their child was unique.

While overprotective at first, the two eventually fell back into a more lenient role, and Leo began to show others his powers to increase his social standing among his peers. He was recruited into Paradgim during his junior year of highschool and resents having to leave his friends and comfortable life behind, but found he was also looking forward to what other metas he might find at the Academy.

Name: Adam Davis

Nickname(s): Hollywood

Status: Jr. Agent

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Nationality: American

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Height: 6'1"

Weight: 190lbs

Religious Beliefs: Agnostic

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual


Personality: Adam has a quiet arrogance about him. So sure of his sense of superiority that he has no need to flaunt it overtly because it is simply assumed. Or so he believes to the core of his being. At first glance this makes him come off as fairly approachable and chill. Maybe even friendly. But it small comments and actions that pepper his interactions that reveal how little he thinks of everyone other than himself. Whether it is with a condescending statement or the assumption that you don't know something simple or are plain incapable. It's always presented in a way as to be helpful, because lets face it. Adam's the hero of this movie and heroes are the ones who are always there to save the day.

Interests: Fast cars, Fast Women, being told how much better he is than you, film making.

Skills: His own stunts, making love, and making war.

Abilities/Powers: Super Strength - Adam has strength beyond the limits of normal humans!

Natural Armor - Adam can meld whatever materials are around him to create a natural armor over his skin to protect him from harm

History: Adam was born into Hollywood royalty. His Father a famous movie producer and his mother a movie starlet he grew up in the life of luxury and in the spot light from the moment he was born. Great things were always expected of him, and not just of him, but expected to be presented to him. Everyone wanted to be his friend, to be near him to share in the spot light that was his natural birth right.

He was a natural Metahuman from the day he was born. Though his parents money and influence shielded him from any actual harm that may have come his way from society. Not that they needed to. With strength like his he could get through any challenge. As he got older though he realized that he had way more to offer the world than simply his good looks and amazing talent. He could be a bigger star than both of his parents. Movie stars were good, saviors of the world were better.

OF COURSE he was accepted to Paradigm. And he was thrown a huge bash with all of Hollywood's hottest in attendance. During the party his Father presented him with a going away present. One of the passive powers that had been created after the LIFE incident. (Something that was very expensive.)

After that it was a very simple matter to form their bond (With media coverage of the whole thing). Then it was off to Paradigm where he would become the star.

Name: Leesa Lang
Nickname(s): Lee
Status: Jr. Agent
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Nationality: Canadian
Ethnicity: French
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 115 lbs
Sexual Orientation: Depends how much alcohol is involved


Personality: Like her appearance Leesa is a perfect angel. Or that's what she gives off to authority figures. She's the perfect student and sweet girl when everyone is around, but as soon as the cameras are off she parties with the best of them. She's relatively friendly, if not a bit on the wild side.

Skills: drawing, drinking, role play (not the board kind)

Abilities/Powers: Holy Power- Or at least that's what she calls it. She has a set of wings on her back allowing her flight at high speeds as well as a form of light manipulation, allowing her to send concussive blasts of hard light, blinding light, and other forms that aren't as useful beyond partying.p

History: Born a metahuman, Leesa had the ability to produce and manipulate various kinda of light. Her city in Canada was very tolerant of metahumans, allowing her to embrace her abilities from the start. Preparing to go into middle school she started to sprout wings from her back, a secondary mutation from her powers or so she was told. While others may have freaked out about it, she thought it was super cute and shows it off whenever she can which is...always. Shirts don't fit that good so its an excuse not to wear them. Upon visiting Florida at her parents condo, she came across some of Paradigm Miami's agents and thought they were super fun so she begged her parents to let her enroll. Which they did!

Name:Ryan Donaldson Caddigan
Nickname(s): Ryan “D.C.”
Status:Junior Agent
Age: 18
Nationality: American
Height: 5’9”
Religious Beliefs: Athiest
Sexual Orientation:Everything goes, baby.

Personality:To sum up Ryan in a single word, it would have to be “nosy”. If he can get involved in something, whether it be helping someone with their problems whether they like it or not, or investigating some crime, or just talking with absolutely everyone about any topic, whether he knows about it or not.

Goddamn it, he will get involved in your life.

Interests:People. Absolutely everyone.
Skills: Incredibly social. Amazing memory, able to remember little things about everyone he meets. Athletic.
Abilities/Powers: Invisibility.
Born in Washington D.C., Ryan had always been a very social child. In fact, by the time he was thirteen, he was already part of every social circle at his school, and well known among his teachers as “that friendly kid”. Unfortunately, this popularity came at a price.

By the time he was fifteen, Ryan was attending every single party being thrown by his classmates. Besides copious amounts of alcohol and drug usage, Ryan’s grades were also quickly falling further and further towards failure, up until he discovered his power.

Suddenly, he began to ace every test.

Of course, this suspicious activity prompted an investigation, and once the cause was determined, Ryan was brought to one of Paradigm’s facilities, and he swiftly joined up. After all, this was a new place filled with interesting people.

People he hadn’t ingratiated himself with yet.

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