Welcome to Paradigm Shift, a superpower-based role playing board.
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Welcome to the Paradigm Reboot!
The board will officially be starting on Monday October 12! Make sure your bios are in so you can take part of the opening ceremony!
Of The Month
Of The Month
Of The Month
Of The Month
Having just returned from his daughters magical girl training excursion, Jack would quickly discover from Absinthe that his academy had been wiped out.
Wiped. Out.
The very thought was insane, and as he parks his motorcycle just outside of the debris field, he slowly shakes his head.
Jack's lips pull down into a frown, and he lets out a sigh through his nose.
"...you're right. I wasn't. I didn't expect them to attack on the one day I had to take care of my daughter, but it happened. For that, I truly am sorry."
He tapped his foot, he wasn't so much mad as he was frustrated. They'd been doing what they could but no one with authority was around. And now all of a sudden the Director shows up out of the blue.
"Figure out what your next move is. We've already started ours."
He unfolded his arms. He wasn't sure if he should bring him with him to the others. Or if he would even want to come. But he should at least offer, that was his job. At least he supposed.
Rebecca catches up to Mike, and apparently the director, as she goes about doing her thing. Girls' all over the place literally and figuratively anymore.
"Hey Mike, how'd it--" She stops a second and blinks as she realizes she's looking at the director. It looks like the other agent found someone else.
"Oh." Well, shit. Where'd he been? "Hello, Director Mikaila."
He gave Rebecca a curt nod, no real increase of affection for either as he continued to lead the way. And as normal he'd take a lot of side streets. Back tracking routes, and all together winding way to get to the destination. All in an attempt to make sure no one was stealthily following them.
She looks away at the smile, somehow adding to the air of awkward for a moment before looking back at the director with a nod.
"Yeah, you too. People have mostly made it back in one piece." Mostly. Her brows furrow. He had been one of the missing up until now. That, and it looks like Mike is content to be quiet as usual.
"I see." She blinked at that, not expecting the answer to be that at all. Another time, she'd probably have asked more about it, but all things considered, it really wasn't the time.
"Apparently." She stuffs her hands in her jacket pockets with a small huff. Of course it would be that day.
"We could try whistles and confetti if you want, but that's not going to change much." Rebecca shrugged. It was their reality now.
"We've been trying to figure out what's best to do from here. A lot of people went home, but the rest of us have a roof over our heads for now." Like good little sardines.
"That's I've seen? Some of the senior agents, like Josh, Rhett, Jan Di." She ticks them off on her fingers, looking up at the sky as she tries to remember who she has and hasn't met versus who the director would recognize by name. She already knew he would know those three, especially. Family and all.
"Obviously there's Mike and Me. Elliot and Mark. Eric." She frowned. At least, Eric had been there. She hadn't seen him in a while. Not since their fight. Her voice trailed off for a moment, then she shook her head and tried to pick up again.
"Enya and Fred, too. Savaak and...I think there's been a couple more, but I haven't met them, personally. Not sure who's still in Europe that tried to come back yet, either."
"For the most part." Another nod, sharper than the last one. The corner of her mouth twists inward like she has a sour taste in her mouth. Apparently it took Paradigm getting blown up for her to lose her distance with authority figures.
"Some of us are a bit banged up, but they've been looked at, at least. Casts and slings, that sort of thing." Her volume dropped as the sour taste increased.
"There's only one we know is dead. The more that turn up, the less we have to worry about adding to the list." Like, you know, a director.